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Загальний народний англійсько-український словник 2010– ()
Великий англо-український словник 2011 (Є.І. Гороть, Л.М. Коцюк, Л.К. Малімон, А.Б. Павлюк.)
around-the-clock [ɘˌraʋndʧɘˈklɒk] a цілодобовий. |
frog-in-the-throat [ˈfrɒgɪnʧɘ:ˈθrɘʋt] n хрипота. |
hole-in-the-wall [ˌhɘʋlɪnʧɘˈwɔ:l] n (pl holes-in-the-wall) 1. крамничка; магазинчик; 2. розм. шинок; підпільна винна крамниця. |
jack-by-the-hedge [ˌdʒækbaɪʧɘˈhedʒ] n бот. сухоребрик. |
jack-in-the-box [ˈdʒækɪnʧɘˌbɒks] n 1. тех. гвинтовий домкрат; 2. (J.) шахрай, шулер, дурисвіт. |
jack-in-the-bush [ˈdʒækɪnʧɘˌbʋʃ] див. jack-by-the-hedge. |
jack-in-the-green [ˌdʒækɪnʧɘˈgri:n] n (pl jacks-in-the-green) бот. англійська примула. |
Johnny-on-the-spot [ˌdʒɒnɪɒnʧɘˈspɒt] n людина, на яку можна покластися. |
loop-the-loop [ˌlu:pʧɘˈlu:p] n ав. петля Нестерова. |
middle-of-the-road [ˌmɪdlɘvʧɘˈrɘʋd] a середній, половинчастий. |
off-the-record [ˌɒfʧɘˈrekɔ:d] adv 1. конфіденційно; 2. у неофіційному порядку; неофіційно. |
off-the-record [ˌɒfʧɘˈrekɔ:d] a 1. конфіденційний; 2. неофіційний; ~ opinion неофіційна думка. |
out-of-the-way [ˌaʋtɘvʧɘˈweɪ] a 1. віддалений, далекий; відлюдний; 2. незвичайний, неабиякий; дивний. |
penny-in-the-slot [ˌpenɪɪnʧɘˈslɒt] n торговий автомат. |
round-the-clock [ˌraʋndʧɘˈklɒk] a цілодобовий. |
snow-on-the-mountain [ˌsnɘʋɒnʧɘˈmaʋntɪn] n бот. молочай. |
stick-in-the-mud [ˈstɪkɪnʧɘˌmʌd] a розм. 1. відсталий; 2. розхлябаний; безладний, млявий. |
stick-in-the-mud [ˈstɪkɪnʧɘˌmʌd] n розм. 1. відстала людина; 2. розтяпа; 3. знев. як же його звати; Mr. ~ містер, як його там. |
the [θi:; ʧɪ ; ʧɘ, ʧ] грам. означений артикль 1. виділяє певний конкретний предмет, певну особу чи певне явище; let’s speak to the chief поговорімо з керівником; 2. вказує на те, що даний предмет, певна особа чи якесь явище відомі співрозмовникові з ситуації, попереднього досвіду чи контексту; you may take the book можете взяти цю книгу; 3. підкреслює винятковість когось чи чогось; he is the man you need це людина, яка тобі потрібна; 4. визначає родове поняття; the cat is a domestic animal кіт – домашня тварина; 5. вживається перед іменниками, єдиними у своєму роді; the earth is round земля кругла; 6. вживається перед прикметником у значенні абстрактного іменника; the ridiculous смішне; 7. вживається перед іменниками зі збірним значенням; the blind сліпі; the wise мудреці; 8. вживається перед іменниками, що означають професію або рід заняття; the stage сценічна діяльність; 9. вживається з іменниками, які означаються прикметниками у найвищому ступені; the most difficult text найважчий текст; 10. вживається з іменниками, означеними порядковими числівниками; the second lesson другий урок; 11. вживається з назвами морів, океанів, річок, проток, каналів, назвами груп островів, гірських хребтів; The Black Sea Чорне море; the British Isles Британські острови; the Dnieper Дніпро; the English Channel протока Ла-Манш; the Pacific Ocean Тихий океан; the Urals Уральські гори; 12. вживається у деяких сталих словосполученнях; by the day поденно; the sooner (the more, the longer) the better чим скоріше (чим більше, чим довше), тим краще; to play the piano грати на піаніно; to tell the truth правду кажучи. |
under-the-counter [ˌʌndɘʧɘˈkaʋntɘ] a що продається нелегально. |
under-the-table [ˌʌndɘʧɘˈteɪb(ɘ)l] a таємний, незаконний (про угоду і т. і.). |
will-o’-the-wisp [ˌwɪlɘʧɘˈwɪsp] n 1. блудний (мандрівний) вогник; 2. перен. щось облудне, невловиме. |
Новий українсько-англійський словник 2016 (Є.І. Гороть, С.В. Гончарук, Л.К. Малімон, О.О. Рогач.)
викладацький teacher’s, teaching; ~ склад the teaching staff. |
Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко)
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush прислів’я Тлум. Ліпше мати менше, але певне, ніж більше, але непевне. Укр. Краще синиця у жмені, ніж журавель у небі. ‣ It’s been said a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. One thing you know is this: You could sell your homes today and have plenty of cash to enjoy a comfortable retirement. A year from now it may be a different story. |
Absence makes the heart grow fonder прислів’я Тлум. Період відсутності когось/чогось сприяє розвитку любові, захоплення або іншого приязного почуття, що існувало раніше до цього об’єкта. Укр. Рідше <Як не> бачиш – більше любиш. Від розлуки серце мліє. Розлука <відсутність> посилює <зміцнює> любов. ‣ The ladies in the sweet shop saying: ’Tracey, it’s so nice to have you back.’ Yes, absence does make the heart grow fonder. Usually when I go away for a long time, it can feel like an exile. |
Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families прислів’я Тлум. Непередбачені неприємності трапляються навіть там, де все добре. Укр. Кожен нема-нема та й схибить <дасть маху>. Хто не оступається. І між доброю капустою бувають гнилі качани. Про людей чи уподібнені до них об’єкти: У сім’ї не без виродка. Кожна отара не без паршивої вівці. ‣ I cannot conceive any deliberate ill-treatment of boys by a community motivated by the ideals of its founder. The point is that accidents happen in the best-regulated families and in this family there are about 800 boys. |
An apple a day keeps the doctor away прислів’я Тлум. Регулярне споживання невеликої кількості яблук убезпечує від хвороб. Укр. Яблуко щодня з’їдати – лікаря на відстані тримати. ‣ The saying goes that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, if you venture out to an orchard this fall, you can pick so many apples you could stay out of the doc’s office for months on end. |
Attack is the best form of defence прислів’я, брит. Attack is the best form of defense прислів’я, амер. Тлум. Найкращий спосіб захистити себе – атакувати супротивника. Укр. Найкращий захист – наступ. Син. The best defense is a good offence. A good offence is the best form of defence. Ком. Вислів походить з настанови військової тактики: змушуючи ворога захищатися, убезпечуєш себе від його наступу. ‣ The Taoiseach will demand to know what the alternative is proposing, and his Ministers and backbenchers will spend the next few months asking this question. Attack is the best form of defence, they reckon. |
A woman’s place is in the home прислів’я A wife’s place is in the home рідко Укр. Жіноче діло – кочерга та колиска. Жіноча річ коло припічка. ‣ His argument that women would be better off as a wife, rather than a career woman, shows at least some in society still believe a woman’s place is in the home. ‣ The unsold ABC pilot, shot in 1965, features Thomas as a stars-in-her-eyes newlywed who stopped working as a model because her staid attorney husband believes a wife’s place is in the home. When her husband quits his job, she decides to secretly return to work. |
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder прислів’я Тлум. Краса – річ суб’єктивна. Укр. Не тим любий, що хороший, а тим хороший, що любий. Хто милий, той красен. Не те гоже, що гоже, а те гоже, що миле. ‣ The right way to conduct a behavioral interview is direct and fact-based. … "Otherwise, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it’s all subjective," Mr. Davis said. |
Bread is the staff of life прислів’я Тлум. Хліб – найважливіша їжа. Укр. Хліб – всьому голова. ‣ This bread isn’t precious, it’s not a work of art or a prop for a fashion shoot. It’s just wholesome peasant food, the same stuff made for centuries by barefoot people who never even washed their hands. Really, I mean, you know, it’s like they say bread is the staff of life." ‣ Bread is the staff of life, so what better way to start a new year than with a good hearty loaf of healthy bread? |
Brevity is the soul of wit прислів’я Тлум. Коротко висловлена думка ясна й зрозуміла. Укр. Стислість – душа дотепності (Шекспір). Стислість – сестра таланту (Чехов). Стисло й ясно, а тому й прекрасно. Мало слів, багато змісту. Ком. Джерело – «Гамлет» Шекспіра. ‣ If brevity is the soul of wit then Presley must have been one of the wittiest poets who ever lived. Several of his finest poems were even shorter than haikus. ‣ He thought that brevity was the soul of wit, and the idea of his friends, after a couple of drinks, intoning for hours the virtues they were manufacturing I think just offended his whole sense of theater and promptness. ‣ If brevity is the soul of wit, no wonder we have so many stupid movies. Filmmakers don’t know when enough is enough. … Somewhere along the way Hollywood began equating long with important, and since the holiday season was heavy with Oscar-hopeful titles, we got used to sitting through long movies. |
Clothes make the man прислів’я Пер. Одяг створює людину. Укр. Видно пана по халявах. І пень прибери, то гарним буде. ‣ Twain illustrates how clothes really do make the man, as the pauper is treated royally when he’s dressed as the prince and the prince loses all hope of gaining the throne when he’s in the pauper’s clothing. ‣ Clothes make the man, or the woman. They broadcast information about position in society, about personality, and about what a culture values. ‣ Anna Pasternak, the British writer and great-niece of Boris Pasternak, once told a friend of mine, "I can always tell a person’s class by the shoes they wear." And I started to think: If the adage is true that "clothes make the man," then maybe it’s accessories that really can "make" a woman. |
Confession is good for the soul прислів’я Open confession is good for the soul рідко Пер. Щире визнання полегшує душу. ‣ It’s good that Ted Haggard’s problems are out in the open and that he no longer can hide. Confession is good for the soul. ‣ "It is said that confession is good for the soul," Goff said, explaining that the trial afforded him that opportunity. "I want to apologize to those who I have wronged … " Goff said. |
Curiosity killed the cat прислів’я Curiosity killed a cat рідко Пер. Цікавість кішку згубила. Від надмірної цікавості й кіт здох. Укр. Багато знатимеш — швидко постарієш. Більше будеш знати, менше будеш спати. ‣ "I was telling everyone who was with me, ’You know, we really shouldn’t be touching it,’ but I just couldn’t stand it," Hughes told the Times. "Like curiosity killed the cat." ‣ He was discouraged from asking too many questions. "Curiosity killed the cat," his mother told the boy who was to grow up into, in both senses of the word, one of the most curious of English historians. ‣ Prying into a matter is better left to others. Curiosity killed the cat. |
Discretion is the better part of valour прислів’я Пер. Обережність – краща частина відваги. Укр. Береженого й Бог береже. ‣ Sometimes, even in football, discretion is the better part of valor. There’s no need to endanger the health of kids who are clearly outmanned. ‣ Would I ever have the energy to pull off an ambitious gathering like that? Would I ever have the courage? Part of me says I owe it to all those folks who’ve entertained me over the years … to give it a try. Another part whispers that discretion is the better part of valor. ‣ He quickly stood up, jumped into my path and said: ’’You’ve got $5 I could have, haven’t you?’’ He was menacing, intimidating and aggressive. … The look in this man’s eyes was scary and I was alone, so I decided that discretion was the better part of valour. I had three dollars in coins and gave them to him, kept walking and didn’t look back. |
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth прислів’я Never look a gift horse in the mouth Укр. Дарованому коневі у зуби не дивляться. Ком. Вік коня зазвичай визначають за станом зубів. ‣ Give Postal Service credit where it’s due. …With all the e-mailing and faxing going on, I’m surprised the Postal Service is still operating. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth –- it’s doing an exceptional job. ‣ Never look a gift horse in the mouth, but Nike’s $9 million donation to schools looks more like a Trojan Horse when they lobby for tax breaks that let them avoid $16 million a year. |
Don’t put the cart before the horse прислів’я Пер. Не став воза поперед коня. Укр. Не лови рибу поперед невода. Ком. Найчастіше вживають похідну ідіому (putting) the cart before the horse. ‣ You’re worried about being pleasing to someone who won’t even meet for a date. Don’t put the cart before the horse; just refuse to be treated like an afterthought. ‣ While you’re seeking a dress, notice the styles of shoes, bags and other accessories in stores. But don’t put the cart before the horse – wait until you’ve found the dress to buy these accents, as well as gloves and jewelry. ‣ If ever I am in doubt about comedy I always remember: don’t put the cart before the horse. It is more important to be true than funny. |
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater прислів’я Тлум. Позбуваючись чогось вже непотрібного, зайвого, пильнуй, щоб не позбутися чогось цінного. Укр. Не вихлюпни <виплесни> разом із водою й дитину з ванни <з купелі>. Не відвій з половою й зерна. ‣ The Civic Center will be very important to our community, and the idea that we could hire a world renowned architect to design it is a tremendous opportunity that we should not miss. The way this has been handled has been bad, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Let’s step back, take a deep breath and then bring it forward in a better way. |
Every man for himself прислів’я Every man for himself, and devil take the hindmost Every man for himself, and God for us all Укр. Кожен сам за себе (й Бог за всіх нас). Пор. (And) the devil take the hindmost. ‣ It will be every man for himself, police union warns. … Police numbers are so low that the force will no longer be able to protect people from street attacks. ‣ A secondary school teacher has admitted abandoning his pupils to their fate when the Sichuan earthquake struck China last month. [He] set out … his guiding principle: in matters of life and death, it’s every man for himself. ‣ At first, it seemed that some compromise might be possible. … "Now it’s every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost,’’ was Packer’s parting shot as he left the meeting. For his part, the ICC [International Cricket Conference] chairman reflected that "wars are not won by appeasement’’. ‣ He understands the natural human greed within all of us. Come voting day few of us will vote for the party with the policy we believe will most benefit the country but rather for the party we think will cater for our individual needs. It’s every man for himself and God for us all. |
Experience is the best teacher прислів’я Укр. Досвід - найкращий вчитель Ком. Ідея про те, що людина навчається через досвід, широко поширена й виражена в різних формах. Пор. лат. experiential docet «досвід вчить». ‣ Perhaps more than in other lines of work, in teaching, experience is the very best teacher. I can attest that the longer I taught, the better I taught, and the more I enjoyed my work. ‣ Why should it be so difficult for former presidents to get together and discuss issues with the president (Letter from Washington, Jan. 3)? Experience is the best teacher, and these men have plenty. ‣ Because experience is the best teacher, the best New Year’s resolution for 2007 is to encourage young athletes to learn by doing. |
Fortune favours the brave прислів’я, перев. брит. Fortune favours the bold прислів’я, перев. брит. Пер. Сміливим доля допомагає. Фортуна на боці відважних. Сміливцям щастить. Укр. Відвага мед п’є. Чия відвага, того й перевага. Сміливого і куля не бере. Ком. Лат. Audaces fortuna juvat (Вергілій). ‣ Investors with a long-term view could be amply rewarded here [on a new and risky market], as fortune favours the brave. ‣ It seemed like her chance for the bigtime had passed, but fortune favours the brave - in 2004 she launched her solo career and signed a deal with Capitol Records. ‣ The saying ’’fortune favours the bold’’ is appropriate for both sport and investing. As England crumbled, I thought of the many thousands of investors who have also been stung badly by their own hesitation. |
Haste makes waste прислів’я, перев. амер. Укр. (Скорий) поспіх—людям посміх. Швидко робить, та переробляти довго. Ком. Waste значить «втрати часу, грошей тощо», але може також позначати зіпсуття матеріальних ресурсів. ‣ I know languages evolve, but I think ours [English] is devolving. Punctuation, spelling and grammar are treated with utter disrespect. Then there is e-mail. What’s the hurry? … Remember the old saying, "haste makes waste"? ‣ US officials are racing to allocate $1.17bn in Iraq reconstruction funds by September 30 to prevent the funds from expiring and being diverted back to the US Treasury. … "Never has the phrase ’haste makes waste’ sounded more ominous. To have (the funds) floating around this way is utterly unacceptable …," Senator Susan Collins … said recently. |
He who pays the piper, calls the tune прислів’я Укр. Чий хліб їси, того й пісню співай. ‣ He who pays the piper calls the tune and if you don’t get value for your money you get another tradesman. ‣ Critics say the arrangement has resulted in the pharmaceutical industry getting too much sway in the approval process. "He who pays the piper calls the tune," said William Vaughan, senior policy analyst at Consumers Union. The drug industry has been a major player in the nation’s capital. |
He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon прислів’я He needs a long spoon that sups with the devil рідко Пер. Хто вечеряє з чортом повинен мати довгу ложку. Укр. Злигався з чортом – нарікай на себе. Ком. Вживають як застереження проти того, щоби мати справу з небезпечними чи злісними особами. ‣ Lucy has never done any interviews for women’s magazines -- ’’because I believe if you sup with the devil, you have to have a very long spoon, and if you don’t play the game from the start, then they don’t expect you to’’. ‣ Family doctors have obviously forgotten that when you sup with the devil, you need a very long spoon. They have seemed unable to grasp that if they want to earn some of their income from taxpayers, some bureaucratic scrutiny of their pricing is inevitable. If they do not like that prospect -- and some do not -- the answer is simple: reject taxpayer subsidies. ‣ Shirts, booze and food, however, are her staple wares here. Brecht’s Mother Courage follows the wars, trading with whatever army is nearest and losing all three of her children in the process. Always she puts immediate profit above long-term sense, not seeing that, as someone tells her, ’’you need a long spoon to sup with the devil’’. She is canny, streetwise, and foolish, terminally foolish. |
Home is where the heart is прислів’я Пер. Твій дім там, де твоє серце. ‣ In the too-neat ending of ’’Mississippi Masala’’ Jay tells his wife, ’’Home is where the heart is and my heart is with you.’’ ‣ For the Calgary Flames, home is where the heart is, where the goals are and where the wins are as expected as the pregame pyrotechnics. With last night’s 4-1 toasting of the Atlanta Thrashers, the Flames improved their National Hockey League-leading home record to 23-5-1. |
Honesty is the best policy прислів’я Пер. Чесність – найкраща політика. ‣ Inspired by news accounts, the story is more fact than fiction and didn’t need punching up. In narrative, as in life, honesty is the best policy. ‣ When it comes to cooking for a crowd, honesty is the best policy. If the alcohol content of a dish is potentially a concern, just let people know about it and let them choose for themselves whether to partake. ‣ Thomas … apparently takes the old "honesty is the best policy" adage seriously. Way too seriously, in fact. After being invited to participate in the NBA’s slam-dunk contest … Thomas told the Chicago Tribune the only reason he planned to compete was to "get my check." …Thomas … later apologized, but the damage had been done. |
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst прислів’я Пер. Сподівайся на краще, але готуйся до найгіршого. ‣ The medical staff don’t want to say if I will walk or not. I always have hope – hope for the best, prepare for the worst. People in wheelchairs can still get feeling back 10 years down the track. ‣ Ehrenreich’s biggest grudge against the happiness cult is the "kitschy positivity" it preached during her bout of breast cancer. … But it has become my personal mantra and as a practical guide on how to balance optimism and realism, it is hard to beat - hope for the best, prepare for the worst and pray for a miracle. ‣ Mason L. Ford Sr. of Colchester … said that he never lost sight of the fact that his son’s life was in peril while he served in Iraq. “You always prepare for the worst but hope for the best,” Ford said. |
If the cap fits, wear it прислів’я If the shoe fits, wear it Укр. На злодієві шапка горить! Той кричить, у кого шапка горить. Ком. Прислів’я часто вживають, щоб сказати певній особі чи групі: якщо ви заперечуєте, обурюєтеся тощо з приводу критики, беручи її на свій карб, прикладаючи її до себе, то вона, очевидно, справедлива. Первісно слово cap у цьому прислів’ї позначало dunce’s cap – паперовий ковпак, який надягали на голову слабким учням, аби присоромити їх. ‣ "You can’t complain about being labeled angry if you make angry comments," said Brian Nick, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. "If the shoe fits, wear it." ‣ I’m saying, if the cap fits, wear it, and if we have a problem with domestic violence, let’s address it. ‣ Of course, media scrutiny should illuminate uncomfortable facts about people’s lives -- if the cap fits, wear it. |
If you don’t stand <like> the heat, get out of the kitchen прислів’я Пер. Не подобається жар – забирайся з кухні. ‣ They probably don’t worry about bugs at the North Pole. The ultimate solution, of course, is to go indoors. "If you don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen" and all that. ‣ If you don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen. It’d be like a surgeon who didn’t like the sight of blood. |
Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it прислів’я Тлум. Якщо хтось не знає про існування якогось закону і порушує його, то він буде нести відповідальність попри свою необізнаність. Укр. Незнання закону не звільняє від <не знімає> відповідальності (за його порушення). ‣ If ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, then Virginians better get crackin’. Come Tuesday, they will be governed by more than 1,000 new state statutes. ‣ While ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, it appears to be a valid excuse for not taking out the garbage. |
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery прислів’я Укр. Наслідування – найщиріший вияв лестощів. ‣ They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Since Cavs superstar LeBron James began wearing tights, they seem to have caught on in the NBA. ‣ I’ve seen very much the same features in the Ford, Chevy and Dodge trucks, so perhaps Toyota is paying the current big players a compliment through imitation, which is the sincerest form of flattery. ‣ The proposal is similar to one pitched last week by Colorado 7th Congressional District Democrat candidate Ed Perlmutter. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," Perlmutter said. "This is my idea, and when I get to Congress, I’d be very happy to cooperate with (Allard) on this." |
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king прислів’я Укр. На безлюдді й Хома чоловік (пан). ‣ In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king and in the America’s Cup, multimillionaires are second-rate. ‣ In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In other words, what is it you are playing down that others find an incredible strength in you? It’s a day to realise you are in demand for a reason and then capitalise on it. ‣ ’’In terms of his won-lost record, you can’t argue,’’ said Carl Mayer, a public-interest lawyer in Princeton. ’’In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, so certainly in the constellation of New Jersey prosecutors … Christie has leaped to the head of the pack.’’ |
It is better to light a candle <one candle> than to curse the darkness прислів’я Пер. Ліпше запалити одну свічку, ніж проклинати темряву. ‣ Things never happen as quickly as we would like, but if we focus on the positive, and work in true partnership, we can continue to build on the progress. It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ‣ This group’s efforts brings refreshing energy to solving some longtime problems, and it deserves to be saluted. And aided. As the old saying goes, it’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ‣ He would like all uranium mining stopped and hopes to spark wide debate. "Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness," Bradbury relays his motto. |
It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive прислів’я Укр. Краще подорожувати сповненим надій, ніж приїхати. ‣ The only risk is that Dublin’s followers might tire of success, become satisfied when their side secures the top silverware [a championship]. There’s often more enjoyment in the pursuit than the capture, better to travel hopefully than to arrive. ‣ The more you read about Campbell, who’ll turn 84 next month, the more you feel he would have enjoyed his life in golf without all those victories and awards. "It’s not the winning that is so much fun, … but it’s the trying," says a passage from his oral history. "… It’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive. And I believe that." ‣ I did feel sorry for the families who were going to meet Santa and make the return journey to the UK in one day, though. These Christmas trips are not cheap, and if you intend to spend money on what is an unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience, it is so much better to stay a couple of nights and build up the anticipation. It’s the whole idea of Christmas Eve being more exciting than Christmas morning, the whole idea that it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. |
It is easy to be wise after the event прислів’я Пер. Легко бути мудрим заднім числом. Укр. Заднім числом кожний може бути розумним. Якби той розум спереду, що тепер іззаду. ‣ "It is easy to be wise after the event," he muses, "but it’s just history now." ‣ Of course, it is easy to be wise after the event. With hindsight, the end of Soviet-orchestrated communism in Europe was signalled in 1956, a whole generation or more before Mikhail Gorbachev started doing "business" with glasnost. ‣ Greengrass’s movie shows us that it is easy to be wise after the event; it is a reminder of how unthinkable 9/11 was, of how all too likely it was that the civil and military authorities would not have mobilised in time. |
It’s always darkest before the dawn прислів’я The darkest hour is <comes> before the dawn Пер. Найтемніше завжди перед світанком. Укр. Порятунок приходить і в останню хвилину. Ніколи не втрачай надії. Пор. After a storm comes a calm. ‣ As pressure grew from all sides to settle the simmering conflict, Gov. Ulises Ruiz launched a public relations offensive Tuesday to declare that peace was near. "It’s always darkest before the dawn," he told Televisa. ‣ For the Angels, it was another step toward the end of their dream of repeating their improbable World Series championship: their season-high fifth straight loss (four at Baltimore, one here). "It’s always darkest before the dawn," manager Mike Scioscia said, "and we’re in a bit of a dark spot right now." ‣ He says the company "gets quite a lot of complaints from customers at the moment". While he couldn’t claim the situation was going to improve overnight, he has told his staff "the darkest hour is before the dawn". |
It’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game прислів’я Пер. Важить не виграш чи програш, а гра <як граєш>. ‣ It’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. That old saying couldn’t be more appropriate than for our own Olympic boxer Todd Kidd, who fought in Beijing on Sunday. He won’t be bringing home a medal but nevertheless he should feel extremely proud. He has reached the heights of his sport, joined the Olympian ranks and is now a hero in his hometown. ‣ If it’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game, Rachael Hartz played it with style Saturday. Despite battling a debilitating illness since last April, Rachael, 8, made up her mind to compete in this year’s youth triathlon, sponsored by St. Anthony’s Hospital. ‣ It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. I aimed to beat 60 minutes for this year’s Canberra Times Family Fun Run and I failed. I clocked just over one hour four minutes. But I played the game. |
Laugh and the world laughs with you прислів’я Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep <cry> and you weep <cry> alone Укр. Смійся, і світ буде сміятися разом з тобою; плач, і ти будеш плакати один. ‣ Laugh and the world laughs with you. But what if you can’t tell a joke to save your life? For those of us would-be wits who draw more puzzled looks than laughs, there’s an online class called "Get Funny.’’ ‣ Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone. The old adage trips so tritely off the tongue that it’s easy to forget the distressing truth it encompasses. Captured Voices … is a book to strip this truth bare. A powerful - and painful - anthology, it gathers together poems and prose pieces by those who have been tortured, imprisoned or exiled, who have been isolated by what they have had to bear. |
Laughter is the best medicine прислів’я Укр. Сміх – найкращі ліки. ‣ My solution [for successfully communicating with patients] would be … entertainment. Provide a little extra of that, and the smiles will be back. … Or, bearing in mind that laughter is the best medicine, a joke. ‣ I fully endorse that laughter is the best medicine. More than 25 years ago, when I was a houseman, it was decided in the doctors’ mess to hold a tasteless tie competition. … There was only one rule - it had to be worn for the whole of the morning session. My morning included a ward round with my registrar, who sported a particularly lurid green kipper tie. The quiet sniggers that greeted his arrival on the gynaecological ward soon descended into outright laughter from all the patients, and even the sickest patient’s day was brightened by the humour generated. |
Lightning never strikes (in) the same place twice прислів’я Lightning doesn’t <does not> strike the same place twice Укр. Блискавка в одне місце двічі не б’є. ‣ They say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, but Andover swim coach Marilyn Fitzgerald knows better than to believe that. After all, her team swept the competition and took first place for the fourth straight year. ‣ Lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice – unless you’re Donna Goeppert. The 55-year-old woman from Bethlehem, Pa., won $1 million in a Pennsylvania Lottery scratch-off ticket earlier this year, then secured another million-dollar ticket last week. |
Love makes the world go round прислів’я Укр. Цим світом править любов. Любов гори верне. ‣ Doing something special for a sweetheart will leave you feeling that love truly is what makes the world go ’round. |
Make hay while the sun shines прислів’я Пер. Готуй сіно, поки сонце світить. Готуй сінце, поки сонце. Укр. Коваль клепле, доки тепле. Коси, косо, поки роси. ‣ "Their earning capacity [in show business] severely decreases after the age of 35, so they want to make money while they can," Ms. Cutrone says. As Ms. Beker puts it, "Make hay while the sun shines, honey." ‣ For the first time in 16 years, Massachusetts will have a Democratic governor. … So instead of fighting the opposition party, Markey and Meehan expect to make progress on their favorite causes. "You know that saying, `Make hay while the sun shines?’ That’s what I’m going to do," said Markey. |
Manners maketh (the) man прислів’я Укр. Убери пень, то й він буде хорошень. ‣ We can’t think of another politician who’s been more gracious about accepting criticism, warranted or not. … Manners maketh the man, and long after people stop debating Jim Dailey’s political record, he’ll be remembered as a nice guy. ‣ The best definition of a gent is the one that says a gent never wounds unintentionally. Manners make the man, and the more men have manners, the easier it is for society to function. Perfect manners are those that allow one to put other people before one’s self without thinking about it. |
Money makes the world go round прислів’я Укр. Світом правлять гроші. ‣ Congress needs to find a better way to help improve America’s public schools through more than just standardized tests. Maybe America should try a rewards system for students, like the government giving $5 for every "A" a student receives. After all, money does make the world go round. It may sound ridiculous but money is more motivating to students than standardized tests any day. ‣ Money makes the world go round, or so they say. For most of us it’s unfortunately true, but as our lives get even more frantic and we have less time for the things we love, many of us are starting to wonder if there is an alternative. |
Necessity is the mother of invention прислів’я Укр. Нужда <біда> (всього) навчить. (в окремих контекстах) Що голіший, то мудріший. Ком. Лат. mater artium necessitas – нужда – мати винаходів. ‣ Necessity is the mother of invention. I am an intelligent person who has learned to juggle schedules, fix bikes, rewire electrical, write stunning essays, lay blocks, chink log houses, fix or make furniture, etc., while cooking dinner. ‣ He also sleds over cliffs, on logging roads, and down some of Vermont’s better known peaks. … "There’s not much open space in Vermont, so we had to turn," Phillips said of the sled’s origin. "Necessity is the mother of invention. We wanted to go through the woods fast." |
No rest for the wicked прислів’я No peace for the wicked Укр. Для безбожних спокою немає (переклад І. Огієнка). Ком. Біблеїзм: «There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked» (Ісаї 48:22). ‣ No rest for wicked. There’ll be no sitting out on the patio for veteran musos Buzz Bidstrup and Chris Bailey when they play the Valley’s Waterloo Hotel for an Australia Day bash next month. The busy pair will play in both GANGajang and The Angels during the gig. ‣ Travelling to clients can take up to 30 hours, with worsening jet lag and often scorching heat on arrival. "No peace for the wicked" they say: given this degree of "no peace", I must be well beyond the wicked! ‣ Born in 1940, I have reason, as a German, to reflect on the unique facets of a helter-skelter existence at the mercy of the 20th century. But as the 60th anniversary of D-Day approaches, I would much rather cut and run from what, in my carefree moments, I consider settled history than ask probing questions about where my country stands before the court of history. Alas, there is nowhere to hide, no peace for the wicked. |
Only the good die young прислів’я The good die young Пер. (Лише) хороші люди помирають молодими. Пор. Whom the gods love die young. ‣ The boys all head off to ’Nam [Vietnam]. James is killed -- after all, only the good die young -- and a guilt-ridden Eddie turns to drugs before finding redemption. ‣ Paul Hunter was popular enough during his short and memorable snooker career but the outpouring of grief this week from the sporting community, and far beyond, over his death from cancer at the age of 27 has touched a very raw nerve in the British sporting psyche. "Only the good die young’’ is the phrase seen most often in the tribute sites |
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel прислів’я Укр. Патріотизм – останній притулок негідника. ‣ Is our flag only used when it is convenient to one’s arguments and discarded otherwise? It’s been said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. I understand now what that means. ‣ While I don’t entirely agree that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, I do think it should be the last refuge of a copywriter: Anything with "Britain’s best", or "The nation’s favourite" immediately begs the riposte, "Says who?". Arbitrarily claiming national supremacy is the behaviour of drunken soccer fans, not serious brands. |
Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s прислів’я Укр. Віддайте кесареві кесареве (переклад І. Огієнка). Ком. Біблеїзм: «Render therefore unto Ceasar the things which are Ceasar’s» (Матв 22:21, Марк 12:17, Луки 20:25). ‣ Work can be stimulating and colleagues can be friends. The more serious point is that we exist in different spheres - the personal and the professional, the sacred and the profane - and we should be conscious of the differences, lest we lose something in the process. I suspect that Jesus was making a similar point when he said: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s." ‣ All Christians will remember Jesus’ admonition to "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s," and Thomas Jefferson advised us to build a wall between church and state. Commensurate with this historic restraint, most Americans have considered it proper for private citizens to influence public policy, but not for a religious group to align itself with a political party or attempt to control the processes of a democratic government. |
Slow and steady wins the race прислів’я Укр. Терпи, козак,— отаманом будеш. Тихше їдь, дальше станеш. ‣ "If there’s a way we can upgrade our team, we will," Thomas said. "But we’re not in a hurry to do anything. … Slow and steady wins the race." ‣ Chugg’s biggest issue is convincing a 16-year-old, who can squat [lift] 200kg, not to raise the bar too quickly. ’’Slow and steady wins the race,’’ intones Grgurevic, obviously repeating a maxim he’s heard many times. |
Strike while the iron is hot прислів’я Тлум. Вживано як заклик негайно й активно користуватися зі сприятливих обставин, що безпосередньо стосуються мети адресата, поки вони ще не змінилися і дають найкращі шанси досягнути цієї мети. Укр. Куй залізо, поки гаряче. Коваль клепле, поки тепле. Дери лико, поки час. ‣ I’m sure that when the Alliance and the Conservatives merged, Ms. Stronach saw this as a perfect opportunity: seeking a new leader, merging two parties. What better time, strike while the iron is hot! ‣ It [the National Party] has a bad habit of squandering its opportunities to set the agenda. It spends so long brooding over strategy that it forgets the old adage: strike while the iron is hot. ‣ Throughout her break, Scott benefited from an understanding record label that gave her time and space, although her fellow artists thought they knew better. Scott rolls her eyes as she remembers. "They were all saying, Strike while the iron’s hot,’ and, Things don’t always go your way.’" |
The acorn never falls far from the tree прислів’я Тлум. Діти завжди успадковують риси своїх батьків, в чомусь їх наслідують чи нагадують. Укр. Яке коріння, таке й насіння. Яблуко від яблуні <яблуньки> недалеко падає <відкотиться>. Яка яблуня, такі й яблука. Син. The apple never falls far from the tree. ‣ The acorn never falls far from the tree and so it is best to first view Kelvin Sampson in Pembroke. … When he was 15 and back in Pembroke, he was named a foreman at the same tobacco factory where his dad worked. |
The apple never falls far from the tree прислів’я Тлум. Діти завжди успадковують риси своїх батьків, в чомусь їх наслідують чи нагадують. Укр. Яблуко від яблуні <яблуньки> недалеко падає <відкотиться>. Яка яблуня, такі й яблука. Яке коріння, таке й насіння. Син. The acorn never falls far from the tree. Ком. Прислів’я інколи застосовують не лише до батьків і дітей, а й до інших відносин, як-от учитель-учень. ‣ When the parents themselves are recalcitrant, what more can be expected from the children since the apple never falls far from the tree? |
The best defence is a good offence прислів’я, брит. The best defense is a good offense прислів’я, амер. Пер. Найкращий захист – наступ. Син. Attack is the best form of defense. A good offence is the best form of defence. ‣ The CAPP [the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers] members are open to all these ideas. But instead of reacting to them, they should propose them with zeal. As they say, the best defence is a good offence. ‣ The next time you see or read about a lawyer, criminal, advocacy group, etc. complaining about police activities, take a look at their motives before you make a decision on whether the police acted properly. As they say, the best defence is a good offence. ‣ Re: U.S. aggression pushes Iran to go nuclear. … Mr. Kravcik lays the case for Iran feeling surrounded and threatened with "regime change." As he says, the best defence is a good offence. |
The best is the enemy of the good прислів’я Пер. Найкраще – ворог хорошого. Укр. Добра добувши, кращого не шукай. Син. The good is the enemy of the best. Something is better than nothing. Half a loaf is better than none. Пор. Something is better than nothing. Half a loaf is better than none. ‣ In truth, the best is the enemy of the good. This treaty is far from being the best, but it’s as good as we’ll get. If we lose it, the rest of the world, from Beijing to Washington, will think we are clowns. ‣ In an interview last month, Mr. Obama defended the House bill as ’’a good start.’’ Referring to European leaders and others who said the bill was not strong enough, Mr. Obama said, ’’We don’t want to make the best the enemy of the good.’’ ‣ "We have to keep a realistic view of what can be achieved. There is no point in shooting for the moon, missing it and then coming away with nothing," EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said Friday. "We can’t let the best be the enemy of the good." |
The best things come in small packages прислів’я Good <nice, great> things come in small packages The best things come in small parcels Укр. (в деяких контекстах) Що гарненьке, те маленьке. Маленький, та сміливенький. Хоч мале, та натоптуване. Мале щеня, та завзяте. ‣ If you’ve ever heard anyone say, "The best things come in small packages," they had to have been referring to miniature artist Yvonne Crissey. Diminutive in stature, her love of painting small definitely confirms the old adage, "less is more." The "more" part involves being large in the talent department, huge in the wit and personality departments, and positively gargantuan in dedication to the arts. ‣ Michael Hodgson is one of the biggest members of the Titans forward pack but the Gold Coast front rower is a firm believer the best things come in small packages. Hodgson and wife Sally are expecting the birth of their second child and the 27-year-old can’t wait for the baby to arrive. ‣ Sylvia Bakke … firmly believes the best things come in small parcels. The pride of her household is a 10-week female Maltese puppy she has named Minnie. Minnie was the smallest in a litter of five pups bred by Sylvia’s daughter. |
The child is the father of the man прислів’я Пер. Хлопчик – батько мужчини. Укр. Кожен батько був дитиною. ‣ Much in the way the child is father to the man, we glimpse how what these children may become is hinted at by who they are today and is influenced by the adults around them. ‣ That the "child is father of the man" (or woman) is a perennial Isla Dewar thesis, too. In Getting Out of the House, nine-year-old Nora’s relationship with her mother, Maisie, is impaired for life when Maisie callously tells her that she prefers her other daughter. "Don’t dare say move on or get over it, "Nora warns a friend years later, jokingly, but with an undertone of real hurt. |
The course of true love never did run smooth прислів’я Пер. Шлях справжнього кохання ніколи не був легким. ‣ Perhaps to be on the safe side, the filmmaker tosses in a bit on insanity and obsession on Stephane’s part near the end of the film; the course of true love never did run smooth, and all that. ‣ The narrower [question] one concerns male writers’ interest in or competence in romantic fiction - a broad-brush term that usually refers to heroine-centred stories of contested passion and challenging suitors in which the course of true love never runs smooth until the final chapters of matching and (implied) hatching. |
The customer is always right прислів’я Пер. Клієнт завжди правий. ‣ An institution where students simply turn up, pay their cash and walk out a few years later with a qualification will be the final nail in the coffin. Where will be the guarantees of quality of the degrees? If, as the old adage goes, the customer is always right, how can a customer ever fail a course? ‣ In retailing and the hospitality industry they only need to teach one thing--the customer is always right. Courtesy is a hugely underrated quality in Britain. ‣ The apology statement on the company’s website says: "Our advice to other customer service operations is to remember the customer is always right and also to think twice before hitting the send button." |
The devil is in the details <detail> прислів’я Пер. Диявол – у деталях. ‣ The legislature eventually dropped the nursing-home requirement. However, as is often the case with well-intended legislation, the devil is in the details. ‣ Equity-indexed annuities … can sound like a great deal … But the devil is in the details. And for seniors, the devil is income - or lack of it. ‣ In the end, it is at the lowest, individual level, where moral and motivation and ideas count most, that campaigns, military or political, are won or lost. The devil is in the detail. |
The early bird catches the worm прислів’я Пер. Рання пташка черв’яка ловить. Укр. Хто рано встає, тому Бог дає. Хто рано встає — у того й є. Хто рано підводиться, за тим діло водиться. Ранні пташки росу п’ють, а пізні — слізки ллють. ‣ The old saying ’’the early bird catches the worm’’ applies to fishing in spring. It is a time for anglers to get in early and reap the rewards because many species are hungry and eager to bite. ‣ Murray says the Bracks Government also moved quickly to bid for the fund to come to the Victorian capital. ’’The early bird gets the worm,’’ he says. |
The end justifies the means прислів’я The ends justify the means Укр. Мета виправдовує засоби. ‣ Following Seltzer’s view that the ends justify the means, we should forgive every organized crime organization that gives money to charity or builds a hospital because they are contributing to society. I don’t believe many people would agree to that concept. ‣ The issue was whether evidence obtained by torture could be taken into account … to detain suspected terrorists. … [David Neuberger] said that "democratic societies, faced with terrorist threats, should not readily accept that the threat justifies the use of torture, or that the end justifies the means." |
The enemy of my enemy is my friend прислів’я Пер. Ворог мого ворога – мій друг. ‣ The idea that the enemy of my enemy is my friend is an ancient one. Two thousand years ago the Chinese used predatory ants to attack orchard pests. ‣ Those strange bedfellows, Stephen Harper and Jack Layton, are proof the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Their common enemy, the Liberal Party, is enough to make them friends. |
The exception proves the rule прислів’я Укр. Виняток підтверджує правило Пор. There is an exception to every rule. All rules have their exceptions. Rules are made to be broken. ‣ On many days, The Chronicle’s letters section … seems to find the female viewpoint to be the sole, proper viewpoint. Of eight letters to the editor you published on Wednesday, only one is from a man. The exception proves the rule. ‣ The bulk of Australian wines continue to underwhelm me but the exceptions prove the rule. Of the superb range of T’Gallant Gris I love the weight and power of the 2005 Tribute. ‣ For decades, the hit Broadway musical has endlessly reconfigured its signature style: big, bright and brassy. … The exception to prove the rule, "The Light in the Piazza," is now on stage at the Fox Theatre. … this soft-spoken musical is a sip of amaretto - warm, amber, meant to be savored slowly. |
The eyes are the window of the soul прислів’я Укр. Очі — дзеркало душі. Пор. The face is the index of the mind. ‣ The eyes are the window of the soul. It can be quite annoying to try to have a meaningful conversation, let alone establish trust, with somebody who insists on wearing sunglasses. ‣ "I’ve always believed the eyes were the window of soul, and you can look in his eyes and see his soul is intact," Edwards said. |
The first step is the hardest пр ислів’я Укр. Важкий лише перший крок. Аби почати, а там воно і піде. Ком. Прислів’я має багато варіантів, як-от: The first steps is the hardest. The first steps are the hardest. It is (only) the first step that is (the most) difficult. Taking the first step is difficult. The first steps are difficult. The first step is the most difficult (one). The first steps are the most difficult step. ‣ There are plenty of things to do - pottery, keep fit, family history, flower arranging are just a few. … The first step is the hardest, but I’m sure you can do it. ‣ The key phrase in the debate is "housing affordability", invariably followed by the word "crisis" in news reports, and can be confusing for those considering taking the plunge into home ownership. Amid the various viewpoints, it is generally agreed that this first step is the hardest. ‣ Pau, who was then 35, felt society was changing and being a company man would not be enough. A quarter of a century later, Pau’s Asia Market enjoys turnover of about E20m and has 60 staff employed in its offices, shop and distribution centre. … The first steps were the hardest. |
The flesh is weak прислів’я Укр. Тіло слабке. Ком. Біблеїзм. ‣ USen. Barack Obama is trying to snuff out a habit before it hurts his run for president: He’s trying to quit smoking. … Asked about it in 2005, he invoked a biblical phrase: "The flesh is weak." ‣ Like all actors, Iain Glen pretends not to take an interest in his reviews. But the flesh is weak. With words such as "superlative’’, "electrifying’’ and "scorching’’ being bandied around, he admits that he "eventually cracked’’. "Oh, all right then,’’ he said, and let friends read him the reviews of his latest role as John Proctor in The Crucible. |
The last shall be first прислів’я The first shall be last, and the last shall be first The last shall be first and the first, last рідко Укр. Перші стануть останніми, а останні першими. Ком. Біблеїзм: «But many that are first shall be last; annd the last shall be first» (Матвія 19:30). – « І багато-хто з перших останніми стануть, а останні першими» (переклад І. Огієнка). ‣ The last shall be first. We always hear about Mississippi being last. Last in this, last in that. Well, at last, Mississippi is first. And what a first place to hold in generosity. For eight years in a row, our generosity has won out over every other state in the nation. ‣ The first shall be last, and the last shall be first. So go the commandments that rule the closets in Harrison Perry’s Buckhead condominium. … "I hang everything I’ve just worn or had freshly cleaned to the extreme right, and I pull from the left." ‣ The last shall be first, the first last. Both researchers and professional market-watchers have long known that as a group, stocks with poor track records usually outperform stocks with strong records. |
The law is an ass прислів’я Укр. Закон дурний. ‣ If we need any more proof that the law is an ass we need look no further than the release of yet another felon who, without provocation, allegedly beat up law-abiding citizens and murdered one. ‣ The proponents of this bill say it is about sending a message that child abuse is unacceptable. However the legal effect is to make smacking a crime. Proponents claim that no-one will be prosecuted for a mild smack, so the first message is that the law is an ass because thousands of parents will break the law and nothing will happen. |
The leopard cannot <can’t, doesn’t> change his spots прислів’я Укр. Горбатого і могила не виправить. Ком. Біблеїзм: «Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots» (Єрем. 13:23) – «Чи мурин відмінить коли свою шкіру, а пантера ті плями свої» (переклад І. Огієнка). ‣ "As far as I’m concerned, leopards don’t change their spots. I don’t trust them [government people] to this day," Cunningham said. ‣ He will always go for the most money while giving the least effort. He has worn out his welcome at all his previous stops, and Boston will be no exception. A leopard cannot change its spots. ‣ Price tried to play, but he wasn’t competitive on a [golf] tour where the 300-yard drive was a prerequisite for success. "A leopard doesn’t change its spots," he said. "I tried to hit the ball farther, but that’s not going to happen when you’re 48." |
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away прислів’я The Lord gives and the Lord takes away рідко Укр. Господь дає, Господь і відбирає. ‣ "When she [my daughter] disappeared, the sadness knocked me as low as I could go." She turned to Bible classes for the first time and found solace. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away," she says. ‣ The fire destroyed three warehouses, a shop and an office… The business was up and running again by Tuesday morning. "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away," he said. "It’s going to hurt, but we’re going to work through it." ‣ Ken Jones died last week at 84. We were in awe as children: not only was he Wales’s blinding whizz of a rugby wing, but also silver-medallist sprinter in Olympics and European Championships. … I heard he’d had a stroke and was in a wheelchair. What the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. |
The Lord will provide прислів’я Укр. Бог дасть. ‣ Ehrich’s teenage years passed frantically in a series of mundane odd jobs. While his father muttered to himself, "The Lord will provide", Ehrich was in fact doing the providing. ‣ Sure, air conditioning would be nice. But Tommy Lampley, standing in the middle of the stifling Childs Park Recreation Center …, is happy just to have a place where the Eagles can play basketball for free. … "The Lord will provide, in time," he says of the air-conditioning dilemma. |
The love of money is the root of all evil прислів’я Money is the root of all evil Укр. Любов до грошей – корінь усього зла. Гроші – корінь усього зла. Від грошей усе лихо на світі. Ком. Біблеїзм: The love of money is the root of all evil. — Корень усього лихого то грошолюбство (1 Тим. 6:10). ‣ Is money the root of all evil? It’s the love of money that is the root of all evil. Money is necessary and it can make a big difference to what you can do with your life, however, for me it’s not a motivating force. I’ve had no money, and lots, and happiness is not found in it. People are what matter. ‣ I reflected on how often businesses focus on doing more with less and the subsequent impact on community, family values and family life. … As we’ve all heard before, the love of money is the root of all evil. It applies with a majority of publicly held companies in America. |
The opera isn’t over till the fat lady sings прислів’я Укр. (в окремих контекстах) (Це) ще не кінець, ще не все пропало. Ком. Прислів’я вживають і буквально (стосовно кінця оперної вистави), і переносно (стосовно кінця певних дій). Ком. Вислів належить спортивному кореспонденту Дену Куку. Він вперше вжив його у формі “The opera ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” (ain’t – просторічна форма, що може заступати isn’t/aren’t/am not) 1975р. в газеті “Сан-Антоніо Експрес Ньюз”. Однак лише через три роки, коли Ден Кук скористався цією фразою в спортивному телешоу, її підхопила преса (замінивши ain’t на граматично правильне isn’t) і вона стала знайомою пересічному мовцю. В обох випадках фразу було вжито стосовно спортивної команди, що програвала своєму супернику кілька матчів у серії, аби передати ту ідею, що команда ще має шанси, аж поки вона не програла вирішального матчу. Автор фрази стверджує, що не мав на увазі якоїсь конкретної співачки. Він, очевидно, спирався на спостереження про огрядність багатьох оперних примадон. ‣ The Sydney Opera House is now short-listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. … But you never know with these competitions. It’s not over until the fat lady sings. ‣ Mr Gephardt, 47, said his withdrawal marked the beginning of a continuing fight for the people whose concerns had been at the heart of his campaign - farmers and industrial workers in US industries threatened by foreign competition. "It’s been said the opera isn’t over till the fat lady sings", he said. "In Michigan on Saturday I think I heard her walk to the microphone. The time has come to end this presidential campaign." |
The pen is mightier than the sword прислів’я Укр. Слово сильніше від меча. ‣ He lobbied the Government, but the bill was put aside, so he wrote about it. "I’m a believer that the pen is mightier than the sword," he said. ‣ Faithful to the adage that the pen is mightier than the sword, a company run by Maurice "Hank" Greenberg planned to enlist academics, biographers and journalists to rebuild his reputation after the legal troubles that followed his forced retirement from American International Group. ‣ The failure of those public officials to pursue this case to bring it to a successful conclusion is simply a mystery. Your columnist constantly points out the glaring dereliction of duties. What more can be written about the Ward matter and how it has festered for almost 17 years? Enough is enough. I call upon the editorial staff to do what is necessary to see that the right thing is done at last. Prove once again that the pen is mightier than the sword. |
The proof of the pudding is in the eating прислів’я, перев. брит. The proof is in the pudding Пер. Пиріг <пудинг> взна́єш, як його з’їдаєш. Укр. Все перевіряється на практиці. В окремих контекстах: Вір ділам, а не словам. Ком. Тут proof значить ‘проба’, а не ‘доказ’. ‣ Local government emergency planners are worried about litigation, and doubt whether community spirit would stop people asserting their rights. The proof of the pudding is in the eating: the Civil Contingencies Act can only be tested in an emergency. ‣ I politely suggest to you that you judge your member of Congress not by what he or she says they support, not by all the slogans and double-talk, but by the results so far. As my grandmother used to say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. ‣ Assistant attorney General Stephen Trott told a ’’Meet the Press’’ panel that he was pleased with Israeli promises to cooperate in the investigation of espionage in the United States, but added: ’’We will take them at their word, but the proof is in the pudding.’’ |
There is no such word as “can’t” (in the dictionary) прислів’я Укр. Немає неможливого для людини. Як не можеш – мусиш. ‣ It was tough going but in her darkest hour Noreena’s spirits were lifted by the positive attitude of ex-Newcastle boss Glenn Roeder. "There’s no such word as ’can’t’, " Glenn had told her. ‣ Don’t be embarrassed by your weight. Lots of other people are in the same boat. You just need to understand that there is no such word as "can’t". You can lose weight if you want to. |
There is nothing new under the sun прислів’я Укр. Немає нічого нового під сонцем (переклад І. Огієнка). Ком. Біблеїзм: «There is no new thing under the sun» (Екл. 1:9). ‣ The Goths, … thinking they had a secure place on the Roman imperial side of the Danube, were rudely surprised to find they were massively unwelcome after a certain high point of immigrant absorption had been reached. Nothing new under the sun then. ‣ Social networking is all the rage. Every day thousands send messages to friends at special internet websites such as Facebook and MySpace. So isn’t it good to know that Britain pioneered this trend. In 1935 a group of housewives started the Cooperative Correspondence Club with a free magazine that did the same job as today’s high-tech equivalent. There really is nothing new under the sun. |
There is no time like the present прислів’я No time like the present Укр. He відкладай на завтра те, що можна зробити сьогодні. Що нині утече, того завтра не зловиш. Одне сьогодні краще двох завтра. ‣ We could come over any evening, I offered hopefully. "Well, no time like the present," he said. "I’ll see you in a bit then." ‣ Gov. Ed Rendell decided there was no time like the present for Ms. Scagline Mills to start her term as district judge. ‣ He can steam on for another three years without asking the Queen to dissolve Parliament. But this would be freeloading on a mandate won not by himself but by Tony Blair. He needs to win his own, and there’s no time like the present. |
The road to hell is paved with good intentions прислів’я Укр. Добрими намірами пекло встелене. З добрих намірів (замірів) поміст у пеклі зложений (зложився). Добрими намірами вимощене пекло. (в деяких контекстах) М’яко стеле, та твердо спати. ‣ Now, that dual computer system is creating new embarrassment and legal headaches for the White House. … "The system was created with the best intentions," said former Assistant White House Press Secretary Adam Levine …. But, he added, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." ‣ The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Calvin’s nobly meant exhortation to prayer and thanks on the Sabbath has led to generations of misery for children (and adults) forbidden to play or enjoy themselves on the day of rest. ‣ Passing a law banning trans fats might be a great idea to make people eat healthier but what is the second step? Do we pass a law saying you can only eat one Big Mac a day or that iced tea must be green tea? It must be true that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Some ideas should only be used as idle conversation over coffee - decaffeinated, of course. |
The squeaky wheel gets the grease прислів’я Укр. Скрипуче колесо змащують. Хто скаржиться, до того й увага. ‣ Textile leaders had no plan and failed in lobbying Washington. If the adage is true that "the squeaking wheel gets the grease," then our wheels did not squeak, either loud enough or early enough. ‣ Advice to truckers: Squeaky wheels get the grease. Harbor truckers have long complained about having to deliver containers and chassis to off-terminal depots for free or for rates that don’t cover their costs. Curtis Whalen … says … operators who think they’re being taken advantage of should document their cases and complain to the Intermodal Interchange Executive Committee. ‣ I suggest that Greensboro citizens follow Melton’s suggestion about contacting our police department and city council members. As one policeman told me, " The squeaking wheel gets the grease." |
The truth hurts прислів’я Укр. Правда очі коле. ‣ They are something like Western political leaders who are so attracted to doing business with China that they overlook that nation’s human rights abuses. They even often look the other way when charges are levelled that many goods in China are made by slave labor and political prisoners. Yep, the truth hurts - for ambitious politicians. ‣ The head coach and general manager of the Calgary Flames said he didn’t let his emotions get the better of him Wednesday when he hinted that people in the league’s head office didn’t want his underdog team to win. "It wasn’t emotional," Sutter said yesterday after his team’s pre-game skate. "I told the truth. The truth hurts. Not everything you read or hear is fact or fiction." |
The truth will out прислів’я Укр. Правду не сховаєш. Правда і в морі не втоне. ‣ In time, Milosevic’s propaganda will wear so thin that even the most credulous nationalistic Serb will see through it. The truth will out. ‣ "It is clear the prime minister has violated the conflict-of-interest code and misled Parliament and Canadians," Conservative Leader Joe Clark said yesterday. "Today is a turning point in this discussion. The truth will out." ‣ By the look of the voting on the Echo questions on this issue, the general public have already been conned by incorrect statements already made. The truth will out in the end, but the fear is that, by then, it will be a little too late to avoid the taxes that all the politically correct environmentalists have caused us all to suffer. |
The voice of the people is the voice of God прислів’я Укр. Голос народу — голос Божий. Тлум. Те, за що висловлюється переважна більшість людей, слід сприймати як Божу волю. Ком. Походить від. лат. vox populi, vox Dei. ‣ Wearing his trademark black jeans and tennis shoes, Mr. Morales arrived in La Paz to begin laying the groundwork for an economic and political transformation that he says will give voice to the poor, indigenous majority that fueled his campaign. ’’The voice of the people is the voice of God,’’ he said late Sunday. ‣ "President Bush, listen to the voice of the people, because many times, the voice of the people is the voice of God," said Archbishop Tutu. |
The walls have ears прислів’я Укр. І стіни мають вуха. ‣ The walls have ears in the new Parliament House. Despite a total cost of more than $1000 million, normal conversation can carry through the walls of some politicians’ offices. … One room in the offices of the National Party leader, Mr Sinclair, has a warning sign on the wall pointing out that conversation can be heard in the corridor outside . A spokesman for Mr Sin clair said: "The walls really do have ears." ‣ Each morning the area is checked for electronic eavesdropping devices. "The walls have ears," Naimoli told The Tampa Tribune. "We’re not taking any chances now." ‣ There is something about the perceived anonymity of being on a train, an aeroplane or wherever else that can make people let down their guard. The cliche "walls have ears" sounds daft, but it is true that you never know who is listening or looking over your shoulder. "Where individuals or companies are named, there is always a risk that someone will understand the information, more than the person speaking or using their laptop might realise," warns Sinclair. When using mobile phones in public spaces, invariably there is background noise and the quality of sound is inferior to that of a fixed telephone. As a result, people often have to speak up in order to be heard. If you are talking loudly to make yourself understood, it makes it even more likely that others can hear what is being said. |
The world is a small place прислів’я Укр. Світ тісний. ‣ Western has admitted 313 Hispanic students for the upcoming academic year, up from 237 last year. … "We haven’t really done anything like this before," Walker said. "But the world is such a small place these days. People are coming from all over." ‣ "If you keep your eyes and ears open sometimes you find out that the world really is a small place," Mark said. "You find out there really are no strangers after all." ‣ The world is a small place nowadays, so overseas investing has become significantly easier. |
Time is of the essence прислів’я Укр. Важливий час. ‣ Time is of the essence in relation to Nathan’s matter because he needs everything finalised prior to March, 2008, so he is free to be selected in the Beijing Olympics. ‣ Time is of the essence when someone on an organ-transplant list is notified that an organ has been located for them. Such was the case recently for Gary Lewis of South Carolina, [who] was notified late last month that a liver was available for him. He was taken immediately to Duke University Medical Center … for surgery. |
Tomorrow is another day прислів’я Укр. Завтра буде новий день. ‣ Tomorrow is another day, and we must believe them and ourselves capable of improving that day if we expect to carry on. Tomorrow is another day, and we must all shoulder the burden of living in the real world without illusions. ‣ "I was very sensitive," says Norm Krupnick, who turns 82 Monday, reflecting on his early days as a referee. "(The verbal abuse) bothered me, and at night sometimes I couldn’t sleep. But as the years go on, you temper yourself and you say, ’Well, tomorrow’s another day.’ " |
Too many cooks spoil the broth прислів’я Укр. Два кухарі – лихий борщ.Де багато кухарок, там борщ пересолений. Де багато няньок, там дитя каліка. Багато няньок - дитина без носа. Невісток багато, а хата неметена. Де багато господинь, там хата неметена. Де велика рада, там рідкий борщ. ‣ She suggests setting up a small committee to make decisions and implement them. "Too many cooks spoil the broth," said Weisberg. ‣ British MPs have admitted that they are concerned by the difficulties with the project. One blamed the large number of countries involved in the aircraft and suggested it was a matter of "too many cooks spoil the broth". |
Truth is stranger than fiction прислів’я Укр. Правда дивніша за вигадку. Син. Fact is stranger than fiction. ‣ Truth IS stranger than fiction. Six months ago, if you had suggested a tied presidential election, the scriptwriters of The West Wing would have laughed you out of the conference room. ‣ ’Truth is stranger than fiction, this story has certainly developed some pretty surreal twists.’ Tony Abbott on the son he thought he had who turned out not to be his after all. ‣ Truth is stranger than fiction! … One remembers that the British novelist H.G. Wells confessed in 1901 that he could not see any submarine doing anything but suffocating its crew and foundering. As late as 1948 the Science Digest explained that the problems of landing and moving around on the moon were so immense that ""it may take science another 200 years to resolve them". … Indeed, if you had been told in grandfather’s day that the next two decades would produce portable computers, video-tape machines, birth control pills, test tube babies and supersonic planes, moon walks and heart transplants, you would have said, ""Bumkum!". |
Variety is the spice of life прислів’я Укр. Розмаїття додає смаку життя. Тлум. Різноманітність занять людини, речей, що вона ними користується, обставин, що її оточують, робить її життя цікавішим і приносить насолоду. ‣ Versatile, artistic, and with many diversified interests, Richard surely believed variety was the spice of life. No one was more eager to try a new restaurant, new game, new gizmo, new recipe, new way of doing something. ‣ "How many kids are going to be a pro athlete?" Linn says. "Kids need to find something that they like, that they can keep doing into adulthood. Keep trying some sport until you find the one you like. Variety is the spice of life." ‣ I couldn’t stand living in a society where we all had to have the same house, car, two-point-whatever kids and so on. Variety is the spice of life and we should be encouraging it. |
What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander прислів’я Укр. Треба підходити з єдиною міркою. Треба міряти на один копил. Тлум. Що підходить одній стороні (в ситуації), підходить і іншій. Ком. Інколи прислів’я вживають стосовно рівноправності чоловіків і жінок. ‣ If workers have to sign productivity agreements so should CEOs. I don’t mind paying someone who makes more money for me but if they don’t perform they should get the boot, not more money. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. That is what I call egalitarianism. ‣ Montrealers will be far more willing to accept tough new regulations and fines for not clearing sidewalks and gutters when they are allowed to fine the city for laxity in clearing snow, keeping sidewalks ice-free and fixing potholes. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. ‣ Several weeks ago you ran a news item about an accident with a secondary headline talking about an 82-year-old driver who was leaving a parking lot and for some reason accelerated into a patio outside a restaurant in New Edinburgh. How come the age of the lady who jumped over a gas pump with her car in a more recent incident was not similarly identified? It seems to me that what is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. In other words, as an 84-year-old, I object to your apparent bias when it comes to those of us who basically obey traffic laws but, when we occasionally mess up, attract undue attention from your paper. |
When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman? прислів’я Тлум. На початку існування людства не було соціальної нерівності. Люди були створені рівними. Укр. Коли Адам орав, а пряла Єва, де родослівне було древо? Між Євою й Адамом, хто тоді був паном? Ком. Один з лозунгів Селянського повстання 1381p., авторство якого приписують мандрівному проповіднику Джону Боллу (John Ball). ‣ Eve was credited as being our first spinner by an old English mystic priest and we all know where she got us. He asked: "When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?" - a chant which was echoed again and again by rebels throughout the centuries. |
When in Rome, do as the Romans do прислів’я Укр. Між який народ попадеш, того й шапку надівай. До чужого монастиря зі своїм законом <зі своїм уставом> не сунься <не пхайся>. Ком. Лат. Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more. ‣ If they [immigrants] don’t like our faith and ways of life, they could have chosen to stay in their native land and strive to make changes there that they deem to be necessary. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. ‣ The fact is, these gentlemen are aware that carrying blades on airplanes [in New Zealand] in the current environment is not allowed. … The responsible thing to do would have been for Mr Singh et al to acknowledge that the carrying on board of weapons, ceremonial or not, would make fellow passengers uncomfortable & to stow them in their checked luggage. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. ‣ Regarding the Chronicle’s June 20 Page One article "Civic groups embrace proposal to ban parking in front yards, but some residents complain it violates their rights and traditions" I can only say, "When in Rome, do as Romans do." Many Texas neighborhoods have a tradition where residents park in the driveways leading to their garages. |
When the cat’s away, the mice will play прислів’я Укр. Кіт із хати — миші танцювати <миші на стіл>. Коли кота миші не чують, то безпечно собі гарцюють. Кіт за пліт, а миші в танець. Кіт — спати, а миші — танцювати. ‣ People drive through the Oaks with all types of vehicles, he said, and don’t obey speed limits. "The Sheriff’s Department has done an excellent job of slowing it down when they can be there," he said. "But when the cat’s away, the mice will play. It’s just a matter of time before someone gets killed." ‣ Turns out, "When the cat’s away, the mice will play." A call the next day to the restaurant to get some clarification on certain menu items presented the opportunity to speak with Dan Graham, the owner. He noted that he’d come home a day early from a two-week vacation and surprised his crew with a late-night visit the very Sunday we had been there. He, like us, was disappointed. |
When the going gets tough, the tough get going прислів’я Пер. У скруті мужні беруться за діло. Ком. Це прислів’я полюбляв уживати Джозеф П. Кеннеді (1888–1969), батько президента США Джона Ф. Кеннеді. ‣ This city had faced its share of adversity through the years -- from economic hardship … to the wrath of Mother Nature. Yet through it all, the residents stood tall and personified the old saying, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." ‣ But Nomura is responding sensibly to the vagaries of its core markets, including the retail brokerage business. It has beefed up principal finance, is trying to increase retail fund sales abroad, and is expanding its derivatives services. When the going gets tough, the tough get going - into more promising markets. |
You always hurt the one you love прислів’я Пер. Кого любимо, того ранимо. ‣ You always hurt the one you love. When a judge used that hoary old line in a court case I was covering some 17 years ago, people grimaced and squirmed. After all, it was a case of domestic abuse, a man beating his wife. No laughing matter. ‣ It’s painfully clear that we do indeed "always hurt the ones we love."Why we act so perversely - treating strangers much more politely than we do the people who are essential to our well-being - has yet to be fully explained. ‣ The old saw "you always hurt the one you love" holds true in the case of those day-to-day relationship squabbles. Rather than treat loved ones with more respect, it’s the unfortunate truth that many people afford them less consideration than they do others. It’s easy to lash out at your partner or spouse when hassles at work or credit-card bills get you down. |
You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country of the boy прислів’я Тлум. Людину можна вивезти з рідної сторони, але внутрішньо (звичками, уподобаннями тощо) вона завжди залишиться прив’язаною до того місця, де вона виросла, сформувалася. Укр. Можна покинути домівку, але не Батьківщину. Ком. Прислів’я часто видозмінюють, замінюючи слова в парі boy – country. ‣ You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy, and Lillyman still loves heading back to his parents’ property for pig shooting and cattle wrangling. ‣ On the outside, Marietta’s big-city transformation appears to be all-consuming, but Clarkson says, "You can take the girl out of the South, but you can’t take the South out of the girl." ‣ You can take the girls out of New York - but you can’t take the Manhattan glamour out of the girls. |
You can’t unscramble the egg(s) прислів’я Укр. Зробленого не вернеш. Зробиш — не вернеш. ‣ The commission will probably seek clarification from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on how to revise the merger conditions to make them comply with the court order. "You can’t unscramble the egg, and nobody’s going try to do that," said Jonathan Askin. ‣ The ruling means California cannot roll back the clock and reverse any part of its deregulation plan at will, said Mike Florio of the consumer watchdog group The Utility Reform Network. "You can’t unscramble the egg," Florio said. "Now that we’ve lost jurisdiction over transmission, we can’t get it back." |
You don’t bite the hand that feeds you прислів’я Don’t bite the hand that feeds you Пер. He кусай руку, що тебе годує. ‣ Do you ever think that what your customer is requesting won’t suit them? That does happen. What I do in that situation is acknowledge what the customer wants. … Then I offer to stay within the original idea but change a few things. But in the end, it’s their money. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you, you know. ‣ "There’s nothing to my knowledge that Randy is doing that creates any friction with George Pataki," said Mr. Kayser …. "In fact, I’m sure Randy would be very careful not to. You don’t really bite the hand that feeds you. There’s no question that Randy is a Pataki loyalist." ‣ Why would your newspaper go to such lengths to criticize Emeril Lagasse? … Emeril is investing lots of energy in fund-raising for the city and plans to reopen his restaurants. … Emeril is the kind of person we need in New Orleans. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. |
You have to take the bitter with the sweet прислів’я Укр. В житті всяке буває. ‣ What I learned about from the Girl Scouts is that when you volunteer to be a leader, or volunteer to take on these girls, you’ve got to take the bitter with the sweet. You’ve got to take your shoes off, get your feet wet and roll with the punches. Lord knows they’ll run with the punches! You need to know that this is something I want to do. I want to make a difference. If you do not want to make a difference, the girls are going to see that. ‣ Marbury has been booed all season until the past three games. But he never got a standing ovation this season until last night. "It’s New York," Marbury said. "You got to take the bitter with the sweet. You can’t get too high, can’t get too low. You stay in the middle. When they boo I understand. It makes it tougher when you’re at home. But at the same time, when you’re playing well, they cheer." |
You’re known by the company you keep прислів’я A man <everyone, everybody> is known by the company he <they> keeps прислів’я Пер. Чоловіка видно з його товариства. Укр. Послухай дурного, то й сам дурним станеш. З розумним розуму наберешся, а з дурним й останній загубиш. Син. Show me your company, and I’ll tell you who you are. ‣ You are known by the company you keep. You can increase your reputation by partnering with a firm that has a great business reputation. ‣ I think it is stunning that Michael Steele would tie himself so closely to President Bush and Dick Cheney and their priorities," said Terry Lierman, chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party. "Clearly, everyone is known by the company they keep." |
Англійсько-український словник з математики та інформатики 2010 (Є. Мейнарович, М. Кратко)
off-the-shelf = [ˌɒfðə'ʃɛlf] гото́вий, ная́вний |
state-of-the-art = [ˌsteɪtəvði'ɑ:t] тепе́рішній (суча́сний) стан; оста́нні дося́гнення || суча́сний, на рі́вні оста́нніх дося́гнень |
top-of-the-line = [ˌtɒpəvðə'laɪn] найста́рша (про модель) |
up-to-the-minute = [ˌʌptəðə'mɪnɪt] 1. найоста́нніший (за часом) 2. найсуча́сніший |
Англійсько-українсько-англійський словник наукової мови (фізика та споріднені науки). Частина І англійсько-українська 2010 (О. Кочерга, Є. Мейнарович)
around-the-clock цілодобо́вий
[əˌraʊndðə'klɒk, -'klɑːk] |
between-the-lens міжлі́нзовий
[bɪˌtwiːnðə'lεnz] |
beyond-the-horizon зао́брійний, загоризо́нтовий (про радіозв’язок тощо)
[bɪˌjɒndðəhə'raɪzn, bɪˌjɑːnd-] |
off-the-record конфіденці́йний; не для оприлю́днення [публіка́ції]
[ˌɒfðə'rεkɔːd, ˌɒːfðə'rεkərd] |
off-the-shelf станда́ртний, сері́йний
[ˌɒfðə'ʃεlf, ˌɒːf-] |
over-the-horizon (про радіозв’язок) зао́брійний, загоризо́нтовий
[ˌəʊvəðəhə'raɪzn, ˌoʊvər-] |
round-the-clock цілодобо́вий
[ˌraʊndðə'klɒk, -klɑːk] |
state-of-the-art 1. тепе́рішній 2. суча́сний, на рі́вні оста́нніх дося́гнень
[ˌsteɪtəvði'ɑːt, ˌsteɪt̬əvði'ɑːrt] |
up-to-the-minute найоста́нніший; останньохвили́нний; що́йно поста́лий
[ˌʌptəðə'mɪnɪt] |
Англійсько-французько-німецько-український словник термінології Європейського Союзу 2007 (“Лабораторія наукового перекладу”)
1004 relations with the wider world стосунки з рештою світу; відносини з рештою світу [fr] relations avec le reste du monde [de] Beziehungen zur übrigen Welt |
1010 report from the Council доповідь Ради [fr] rapport du Conseil [de] Bericht des Rates |
1011 report submitted by the Commission доповідь Комісії [fr] rapport présenté par la Commission [de] Bericht der Kommission |
1022 respect for the law шанування права [fr] respect du droit [de] Achtung des Rechts |
1023 review the legality of acts102 [див. також legality of acts] наглядати за правозгідністю актів [fr] contrôler la légalité des actes [de] Rechtmässigkeit der Handlungen überwachen 102 Див. ст. 230 Договору про заснування Європейської Спільноти: “The Court of Justice shall review the legality of acts adopted jointly by the European Parliament and the Council, of acts of the Council, of the Commission and of the ECB, other than recommendations and opinions, and of acts of the European Parliament intended to produce legal effects vis-a-vis third parties”. |
1024 revision of the Treaties перегляд договорів [fr] révision des traités Änderung der Verträge |
1028 right of initiative [of the European Commission] право ініціативи [Європейської Комісії] [fr] droit d’initiative [de] Initiativrecht |
1029 right of scrutiny [of the European Parliament] право контролю; право [Європейського Парламенту] на контроль [fr] droit de regard Überwachungsrecht |
1032 right to effective protection by the courts and fair procedure право на ефективний судовий захист та справедливий процес [fr] droit à une protection judiciaire efficace et à [de] une procédure équitable Recht auf effektiven gerichtlichen Rechtsschutz und auf fairen Prozess |
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