Великий англо-український словник 2011 (Є.І. Гороть, Л.М. Коцюк, Л.К. Малімон, А.Б. Павлюк.)
good [gʋd] n 1. добро; благо; the common ~ всезагальне добро, благо; the highest ~ найвище благо; for the ~ of на благо; заради; 2. користь; to come to no ~ не виходити; to do smb ~ /to bring out the ~ in smb приносити користь комусь; допомагати комусь; for ~ (and all) назавжди; остаточно; it is no ~ марна річ, даремно; what ~ will it do? яка в цьому користь?; ◊ for ~ назавжди; we know not what is ~ until we have lost it присл. що маємо – не бережемо, а втративши – плачемо. |
good [gʋd] a (comp better; sup best) 1. гарний; хороший; добрий; ~ advice гарна порада; ~ behaviour гарна поведінка; a ~ book хороша книга; a ~ boy хороший хлопець; ~ breeding хороше виховання; a ~ deal досить багато; a ~ doctor хороший лікар; a ~ friend хороший друг; a ~ idea хороша думка; a ~ job хороша робота; a ~ man хороша людина; a ~ mark хороша оцінка; a ~ mother хороша мати; a ~ night хороша ніч; a ~ seat хороше місце; ~ soil добра (родюча) земля; a ~ story хороше оповідання; a ~ student хороший студент; a ~ teacher хороший вчитель; a ~ thing хороше місце; a ~ time добрий час; ~ weather гарна погода; to be a ~ student (pupil) добре вчитися; to be ~ to smb бути добрим до когось; to become ~ to smb ставати добрим до когось; to feel ~ добре себе почувати; to look ~ добре виглядати; to have a ~ time гарно провести час, добре повеселитися; to have а ~ night добре спати; he is a ~ dancer він гарно танцює; it is ~ of you to help him мило з твого боку, що ти допоміг йому; it’s ~ to be at home again добре знову бути вдома; life is ~ here тут живеться добре; 2. приємний; ~ looks приємна зовнішність; 3. корисний; придатний; to be ~ for a cold допомагати від простуди; to be ~ for smb бути корисним комусь/для когось; 4. умілий, вправний, майстерний; he will make a ~ doctor з нього вийде умілий (путящий) лікар; 5. підхожий, гідний; здібний (до – at); to be ~ at languages бути здібним до мов; 6. доброзичливий; добрий; ~ nature добродушність; to be ~ to smb виявляти доброту до когось; 7. сприятливий, позитивний; добродійний; чистий; 8. вихований; слухняний; ~ child слухняна дитина; 9. люб’язний, милий; it’s very ~ of you це дуже мило з вашого боку; 10. свіжий, незіпсований, доброякісний; ~ food доброякісна (свіжа) їжа; 11. справжній, непідробний; 12. надійний, кредитоспроможний; 13. здоровий; дужий; ~ heart здорове серце; 14. справедливий, законний; виправданий; обґрунтований; 15. достатній, значний, багатий, порядний, чималий; a ~ quarter of an hour добра чверть години; ◊ as ~ as майже; все одно що; as ~ as one’s word вірний своєму слову; as ~ as pie амер. дуже гарний (симпатичний); вихований; as ~ as a play дуже цікаво, кумедно; as ~ as gold 1) золота людина; 2) дуже добрий, чудовий; as ~ as wheat амер. дуже добре, підходить; be ~ enough будьте ласкаві; будь ласка; ~ advice comes from the aged присл. добру пораду дає стара людина; ~ and hard амер. солідно, дуже; G. Conduct Badge амер. військ. значок за бездоганну службу; ~ faith 1) доброзичливість, чесність; 2) відданість, вірність; ~ for nothing 1) нікчема, нероба; 2) нікчемний, ні до чого не придатний; ~ fortune щастя, везіння, удача; ~ for you! амер. тим краще для вас!; браво!; ~ form гарні манери, вихованість; G. Friday церк. страсна п’ятниця; ~ God!/~ gosh!/~ heavens!/~ gracious! господи!/ боже мій!/боже праведний!; ~ hard work досить нелегка праця; ~ health is above wealth присл. найбільше багатство – здоров’я; ~ looser людина, що залишається спокійною у програшу; ~ luck! бажаю удачі!; ~ evening доброго вечора; ~ morning доброго ранку; ~-luck piece талісман; ~ man 1) благонадійна людина; 2) заможна, багата людина; 3) чоловік; 4) добродій (звич. вжив. при звертанні); ~ night на добраніч; ~ riddance 1) щасливе позбавлення; 2) ну й добре, що позбавились; полотном дорога; ~ sailor людина, що легко переносить морську качку; ~ Samaritan добрий самаритянин; людина, що співчуває і допомагає іншим (особл. нещасним); ~ sense здоровий глузд; ~ soul добра, чутлива душа; ~ turn добра послуга; ~ way далеко, на значній відстані; ~ wine needs no bush присл. гарний товар сам себе хвалить; my ~ man мій дорогий; one’s ~ books ласка, милість, прихильність; one’s ~ genius чийсь добрий геній; to make ~ дотримати слова; виконати обіцянку; too ~ to be true неймовірно, не може бути; your ~ lady ваша мила дружина. USAGE: 1. Вираз добре плавати (танцювати, читати, грати) часто передається сполученням прикметника good + віддієслівний ім.: a good swimmer (dancer, reader, player). 2. Good day вживається коли прощаються. Вираз є досить формальним. Для привітання вживається good afternoon. Інші вирази, вживані під час прощання:good night – на добраніч, good-bye, bye, bye-bye, see you later – бувайте; до побачення. How d’you do? слід вживати, коли вас знайомлять з кимсь. В американському варіанті він означає здрастуйте. Звичайна відповідь – теж How d’you do? 3. Українські словосполучення почувати себе добре, виглядати гарно перекладаються to feel well, to look well (a не good). 4. See dance, deal, poor, strong. |
good-brother [ˈgʋdˌbrʌʧɘ] n шотл. 1. зять; 2. дівер; 3. шурин, швагер. |
good-bye [gʋdˈbaɪ] int прощавайте!, до побачення! USAGE: See good. |
good-bye [gʋdˈbaɪ] n прощання; to say ~ прощатися; the last good-byes have been spoken були сказані останні слова прощання. |
good-conditioned [ˌgʋdkɘnˈdɪʃ(ɘ)nd] a у доброму стані. |
good-daughter [ˈgʋdˌdɔ:tɘ] n невістка, дружина сина. |
good-doer [ˌgʋdˈdu:ɘ] n 1. добродій; доброчинець; благодійник; 2. здорова тварина (рослина). |
good-father [ˈgʋdˌfɑ:ʧɘ] n 1. свекор; 2. тесть; 3. вітчим. |
good-fellow [ˈgʋdˌfelɘʋ] n приємний співрозмовник; веселун, сміхун. |
good-fellowship [ˌgʋdˈfelɘʋʃɪp] n 1. дружба; товаришування; 2. товариськість. |
good-for-anything [ˈgʋdfɘˈenɪθɪŋ] a придатний для усього; готовий зробити усе, що завгодно; готовий виконати будь-яку роботу. |
good-for-nothing [ˈgʋdfɘˌnʌθɪŋ] n нероба, нікчема; гультяй. |
good-for-nothing [ˈgʋdfɘˌnʌθɪŋ] a безкорисний; непридатний; нікчемний; ні для чого непридатний. |
good-humoured [ˌgʋdˈhju:mɘd] a добродушний. |
good-humouredly [ˌgʋdˈhju:mɘdlɪ] adv добродушно. |
good-liking [ˈgʋdlaɪkɪŋ] n 1. доброзичливість, прихильність; 2. добра воля. |
good-looker [ˌgʋdˈlʋkɘ] n амер. розм. красуня; красень. |
good-looking [ˌgʋdˈlʋkɪŋ] a гарний, красивий, вродливий; з приємною зовнішністю; a ~ girl красива/миловидна дівчина; a ~ youth красивий юнак. USAGE: See beautiful, interesting. |
good-mannered [ˌgʋdˈmænɘd] a добре вихований; з гарними манерами. |
good-minded [ˌgʋdˈmaɪndɪd] a доброзичливий, з добрими намірами. |
good-mother [ˈgʋdˌmʌʧɘ] n 1. свекруха; 2. теща; 3. мачуха. |
good-natured [ˌgʋdˈneɪtʃɘd] a добродушний, добрий; доброзичливий, доброї вдачі. |
good-neighbourhood [ˌgʋdˈneɪbɘhʋd] n 1. добросусідські відносини; 2. доброзичливість. |
good-neighbourliness [ˌgʋdˈneɪbɘlɪnɪs] n добросусідські, дружні відносини. |
good-sister [ˈgʋdˌsɪstɘ] n 1. невістка; 2. зовиця; 3. своячка. |
good-sized [ˌgʋdˈsaɪzd] a великий; значних розмірів. |
good-son [ˈgʋdsʌn] n зять, чоловік дочки. |
good-tempered [ˌgʋdˈtempɘd] a з веселою вдачею; з добрим характером; урівноважений; добродушний; a ~ girl добродушна дівчина; a ~ man добродушна людина; he is a ~ fellow у нього рівний/спокійний характер. |
good-timer [ˈgʋdˌtaɪmɘ] n розм. гульвіса, веселун, гультіпака. |
no good [ˌnɘʋˈgʋd] n амер. нікчемна людина, нікчемна річ. |
Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко)
A change is as good as a rest <holiday> прислів’я Пер. Зміна (заняття) – це вже відпочинок. ‣ A change is as good as a rest. If you are studying maths, switch to English after an hour. ‣ They say a change is as good as a rest, and that’s certainly a valid saying for the restaurant industry. Chefs often change jobs at a greater rate than new restaurants open. ‣ A change is as good as a holiday. And the adage applies to horses as much as people. Aquanita trainer Robert Smerdon moved out of his Flemington stables on Wednesday, carting his team of horses across town to their new abode at Caulfield. |
A good man is hard to find прислів’я Укр. Хорошу людину важко знайти. ‣ I’m going to have be a little more patient when it comes to picking the next son-in-law. I know from experience, a good man is hard to find. ‣ In television drama, a good man is hard to find. … Wedding Belles … was the definitive statement of this genre’s overall view of blokes (fragile, unreliable, dangerous). |
All good things come to those who wait прислів’я Good things come to those who wait All things come to those who wait Пер.Хто чекає – всього (хорошого) дочекається. Укр. Терпи, козак, – отаманом будеш. Хто чекати вміє— свого дочекається. Терпінням і працею всього добудеш. Син. Everything comes to him who waits. All things come to those who wait. ‣ The adage that all things come to those who wait certainly applies to the Groves. They bought the block four years ago, but construction only began in November last year. + All good things come to those who wait, I’m told, and next Friday night my wait to get back in the ring will come to an end. It seems like a lifetime since I last boxed and I just can’t wait to step through the ropes. ‣ All good things come to those who wait, so for long-suffering females who have endured weeks of the World Cup, it’s time to sit back and enjoy a unique kind of Ladies’ Day. The one-off event is a special day for women to come along and enjoy all kinds of different therapies which are all being offered free of charge. ‣ This year, there were deals to be had before the holidays, of course. But just because Christmas has come and gone doesn’t mean the best deals have disappeared. For the smart shopper, there are still some great bargains out there, proving that good things do come to those who wait, you just need to know where to look. |
All good things (must) come to an end прислів’я Укр. Усе добре колись закінчується. ‣ Twenty-five years ago Gary Bolton made the best decision of his life. It was such a good call that it has served him brilliantly for quarter of a century. But all good things come to an end. After that golden decision, in 1982, to play for Guisborough, he has finally called time on a glittering career. ‣ The gala was beautifully put together, but all good things must come to an end. It was sad as the night ended, but also exciting to anticipate what the next year’s gala will hold. |
All in good time прислів’я Укр. На все свій час. ‣ "All in good time!" my husband used to say. "All in good time." In our younger years this drove me crazy because I’m one of those impetuous people who make snap decisions, wondering why in the world anyone would waste time mulling over something that you already knew was the right thing to do. On the other hand, Art never made a quick decision in his life. "If you just wait," he advised me, "everything will work out the way it’s supposed to." He saw no reason to rush into anything. And for him it worked, well, most of the time. ‣ The memoirs themselves reveal a politician who’s still toying with the idea of re-entry too. It’s not so much what’s in the book, but what isn’t. There are no huge revelations or tales told out of school; not a bridge has been burned. We only get a hint of the deep frustration that he was feeling this time last year, when he lost out in the budget process and simultaneously realized the Liberal leadership race was out of his grasp. When will we know these things? All in good time, we can assume. |
Any publicity is good publicity прислів’я Укр. Поганого піару не буває. Будь-який розголос – хороший. (в окремих контекстах) Будь-яка реклама – хороша реклама ‣ Racism, though ameliorated, is not forgotten. … Blakey went along with the idea that any publicity was good publicity, even when a reviewer referred to him as "the little black pygmy sitting back there." ‣ If you adhere to the theory that any publicity is good publicity, the brawling festivities helped the NHL. ‣ As they say in the egotistical world of showbiz, ’’any publicity is good publicity’’. But is it, when it involves paparazzi shots of you with a man whose eight-month pregnant wife is wailing to the media she wants her husband to come home? |
Confession is good for the soul прислів’я Open confession is good for the soul рідко Пер. Щире визнання полегшує душу. ‣ It’s good that Ted Haggard’s problems are out in the open and that he no longer can hide. Confession is good for the soul. ‣ "It is said that confession is good for the soul," Goff said, explaining that the trial afforded him that opportunity. "I want to apologize to those who I have wronged … " Goff said. |
Good fences make good neighbours прислів’я Пер. Хороший паркан – хороші сусіди. ‣ There’s an expression you might have heard: "Good fences make good neighbors." But the United States’ neighbor to the south is not pleased about the fencing. Mexico’s President Vicente Fox called the fence "shameful." ‣ If good fences make good neighbours, then the world is experiencing an unprecedented outbreak of neighbourliness. They used to wall cities. Now they wall whole countries. India is well on the way to being walled - except along the Himalayas, where the mountains do the job free. The barrier along India’s 3000km border with Pakistan is largely complete. ‣ A professor at the University of California at Irvine has uncovered evidence to support another famous proverb, "Good fences make good neighbors." In a study of 15,000 Americans, economist Jan Brueckner found that suburban living is better for people’s social lives than city dwelling. The less crowded a neighborhood is, the friendlier its residents become, the report says. |
Good riddance to bad rubbish прислів’я Укр. Баба з воза – кобилі легше. ‣ So they’re finally leaving us. In Sunday’s two-hour finale (9 p.m., KGW 8), ``Miami Vice’’ ends a five-year run as the most exasperating show. A series as empty of meaning as it was full of insignificance, as jam-packed with histrionics as it was devoid of real drama. As my third-grade teacher used to say, good riddance to bad rubbish. ‣ Good riddance to bad rubbish. That’s our reaction to news that John Schneeberger has been deported… He was given a six-year sentence in 1999 for two charges of sexual assault in 1993 and 1994 and for obstructing justice by inserting another person’s blood into his arm to foil DNA tests in 1992, 1993 and 1994. In 2003, the Federal Court ruled that he had lied on his citizenship application by not revealing he was under criminal investigation. This allowed the Canadian government to strip him of his citizenship, which then opened the door for deportation proceedings to begin. ‣ "Good riddance to bad rubbish", said Chris Williamson, leader of the Labour Group on Derby City Council, when certain Labour members left the party to join the Liberals. |
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody <no one> (any) good прислів’я Укр. Лихо не без добра. Хтось втратить, хтось знайде. Пер. Поганий той вітер, що добра не приносить. ‣ There are those in Whitehall who criticised the Financial Times for publicising what they regarded as an ’off-the-record’ remark by Lord Turnbull about Brown’s ’Stalinist’ tendencies, but who now take the view that the FT did Whitehall a service, and that Brown has listened to Turnbull’s well-publicised advice. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. ‣ But, as the saying goes, it’s an ill wind that blows no one any good. One of the positives to emerge from these crises [hurricanes Katrina and Rita] is that Texas emergency officials are … cultivating direct relationships with area retailers to respond quickly to disaster situations. |
Never too much of a good thing прислів’я There’s never too much of a good thing Укр. Хорошого забагато не буває. Ком. Варіанти: You <One> can never have too much of a good thing. Пор. Too much of a good thing is good for nothing. You can have too much of a good thing. ‣ Never too much of a good thing: Not only are there plans to transform the Wal-Mart at 4210 Highland Ave. into a Supercenter, but there are plans to build another Supercenter about five minutes away in Highland. ‣ I thought Washington had become overloaded with Italian eateries. But this new restaurant’s immediate success suggests that there is never too much of a good thing. |
No good deed goes unpunished прислів’я Пер. Жоден добрий вчинок не залишається без кари. Укр. За моє ж жито мене ж і бито. Нашим салом та по нашій шкурі ‣ Regarding "Man sues restaurant over charitable donations" (July 24): We learn each day that no good deed goes unpunished. Applebee’s restaurant had no responsibility to provide any funds to Jim and Marie Reeds, but it did. Now it must defend itself in a lawsuit. That’s a shame. ‣ The singer is still catching heat from the father of the Malawian boy she has tried to adopt, who now claims he was unaware of the permanence of the adoption. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess. |
No news is good news прислів’я Пер. Добра новина, як новин нема. ‣ My phone hasn’t rung once with a complaint about having the [parking space] marks disappear," said Bradshaw. "In this case, no news is good news." ‣ In September, both sides testified at a hearing before the state Housing Appeals Committee. No decision has been announced. Rockland Street resident Bryan King believes that no news is good news. |
One good turn deserves another прислів’я Укр. За позику - віддяка. ‣ One good turn deserves another but try not to be compulsive. Think before you react to another’s problems. Before you know it, you may be caught up in a web of intrigue. ‣ One good turn deserves another, as honest mother Agea Rezk found to her shock yesterday. [She] found a purse stuffed with $3600 in a supermarket trolley on Saturday, and promptly handed it in to police despite being short of money herself. Now Ms Rezk will be rewarded with $1000 by merchant banker Philip Wollen. Mr Wollen, Victoria’s Australian of the Year, contacted the Herald Sun yesterday to applaud Ms Rezk for her honesty. ‣ Reports indicate that Canada has done much to assist Florida residents in regaining their damaged electrical system after the recent hurricanes. Would this not be an opportune time for Canadian officials and perhaps the Prime Minister himself to request, in return for this Canadian largess, that the American ban on Canadian beef be lifted forthwith? … After all, one good turn deserves another. |
Only the good die young прислів’я The good die young Пер. (Лише) хороші люди помирають молодими. Пор. Whom the gods love die young. ‣ The boys all head off to ’Nam [Vietnam]. James is killed -- after all, only the good die young -- and a guilt-ridden Eddie turns to drugs before finding redemption. ‣ Paul Hunter was popular enough during his short and memorable snooker career but the outpouring of grief this week from the sporting community, and far beyond, over his death from cancer at the age of 27 has touched a very raw nerve in the British sporting psyche. "Only the good die young’’ is the phrase seen most often in the tribute sites |
The best defence is a good offence прислів’я, брит. The best defense is a good offense прислів’я, амер. Пер. Найкращий захист – наступ. Син. Attack is the best form of defense. A good offence is the best form of defence. ‣ The CAPP [the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers] members are open to all these ideas. But instead of reacting to them, they should propose them with zeal. As they say, the best defence is a good offence. ‣ The next time you see or read about a lawyer, criminal, advocacy group, etc. complaining about police activities, take a look at their motives before you make a decision on whether the police acted properly. As they say, the best defence is a good offence. ‣ Re: U.S. aggression pushes Iran to go nuclear. … Mr. Kravcik lays the case for Iran feeling surrounded and threatened with "regime change." As he says, the best defence is a good offence. |
The best is the enemy of the good прислів’я Пер. Найкраще – ворог хорошого. Укр. Добра добувши, кращого не шукай. Син. The good is the enemy of the best. Something is better than nothing. Half a loaf is better than none. Пор. Something is better than nothing. Half a loaf is better than none. ‣ In truth, the best is the enemy of the good. This treaty is far from being the best, but it’s as good as we’ll get. If we lose it, the rest of the world, from Beijing to Washington, will think we are clowns. ‣ In an interview last month, Mr. Obama defended the House bill as ’’a good start.’’ Referring to European leaders and others who said the bill was not strong enough, Mr. Obama said, ’’We don’t want to make the best the enemy of the good.’’ ‣ "We have to keep a realistic view of what can be achieved. There is no point in shooting for the moon, missing it and then coming away with nothing," EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said Friday. "We can’t let the best be the enemy of the good." |
The best things come in small packages прислів’я Good <nice, great> things come in small packages The best things come in small parcels Укр. (в деяких контекстах) Що гарненьке, те маленьке. Маленький, та сміливенький. Хоч мале, та натоптуване. Мале щеня, та завзяте. ‣ If you’ve ever heard anyone say, "The best things come in small packages," they had to have been referring to miniature artist Yvonne Crissey. Diminutive in stature, her love of painting small definitely confirms the old adage, "less is more." The "more" part involves being large in the talent department, huge in the wit and personality departments, and positively gargantuan in dedication to the arts. ‣ Michael Hodgson is one of the biggest members of the Titans forward pack but the Gold Coast front rower is a firm believer the best things come in small packages. Hodgson and wife Sally are expecting the birth of their second child and the 27-year-old can’t wait for the baby to arrive. ‣ Sylvia Bakke … firmly believes the best things come in small parcels. The pride of her household is a 10-week female Maltese puppy she has named Minnie. Minnie was the smallest in a litter of five pups bred by Sylvia’s daughter. |
The road to hell is paved with good intentions прислів’я Укр. Добрими намірами пекло встелене. З добрих намірів (замірів) поміст у пеклі зложений (зложився). Добрими намірами вимощене пекло. (в деяких контекстах) М’яко стеле, та твердо спати. ‣ Now, that dual computer system is creating new embarrassment and legal headaches for the White House. … "The system was created with the best intentions," said former Assistant White House Press Secretary Adam Levine …. But, he added, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." ‣ The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Calvin’s nobly meant exhortation to prayer and thanks on the Sabbath has led to generations of misery for children (and adults) forbidden to play or enjoy themselves on the day of rest. ‣ Passing a law banning trans fats might be a great idea to make people eat healthier but what is the second step? Do we pass a law saying you can only eat one Big Mac a day or that iced tea must be green tea? It must be true that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Some ideas should only be used as idle conversation over coffee - decaffeinated, of course. |
You can have too much of a good thing прислів’я There can be too much of a good thing Укр. Що забагато, то нездорово. Хорошого потрошки. Пор. (There’s) never too much of a good thing. ‣ I love mushrooms. Well I used to. You can have too much of a good thing. ‣ Although exercise can be a key part of managing high blood pressure and heart disease, new animal research suggests there can be too much of a good thing. In experiments with rats, researchers found that excessive exercise worsened high blood pressure. |
You can’t keep a good man down прислів’я Укр. Хорошу людину не стримати <не зламати, не зупинити>. Хороша людина завжди проб’ється. ‣ Falsely accused of murder, he is exiled to the bleak desert wastelands … but you can’t keep a good man down, so he comes storming back to unmask a sinister conspiracy and settle some old scores. ‣ They say you can’t keep a good man down, and Harris is a very good man indeed. You don’t get much better at motorcycle road-racing than being an Isle of Man winner and Harris has done that twice. ‣ You just can’t keep a good man down - which is no doubt why Jamie Oliver is back in action. After spending the past eight years in the spotlight, you’d think he [as a chef] might want to hang up his wooden spoon for a while and enjoy the fruits of his labours. But not our Jamie. |
Англійсько-український словник з математики та інформатики 2010 (Є. Мейнарович, М. Кратко)
good = [gʊd] до́брий, га́рний, наді́йний // as ~ as таки́й до́брий, як (або кра́щий); known to be ~ я́вно дола́дний, напе́вно спра́вний |
Англійсько-українсько-англійський словник наукової мови (фізика та споріднені науки). Частина І англійсько-українська 2010 (О. Кочерга, Є. Мейнарович)
good 1. до́брий ■ as ~ as possible якнайкра́щий, якомо́га кра́щий 2. доброя́кісний, високоя́кісний 3. прида́тний (for – для)
[gʊd] |
good-quality доброя́кісний, високоя́кісний
[ˌgʊd'kwɒləti, -'kwɑːlət̬i] |
Англійсько-французько-німецько-український словник термінології Європейського Союзу 2007 (“Лабораторія наукового перекладу”)
1034 right to good administration право на добре управління [fr] droit а une bonne administration [de] Recht auf eine gute Verwaltung |
627 good governance добре врядування [fr] bonne gouvernance [de] verantwortungsvolles Regieren |
628 good neighbourliness добросусідство [fr] bon voisinage [de] gute Nachbarschaft |
629 good practice [див. також best practice] добра практика; взірцева практика; позитивна практика [fr] bonnes pratiques [de] beispielhafte Vorgehensweisen |
Англійсько-український словник-довідник інженерії довкілля 2000 (Тимотей Балабан)
good (і) добро; користь; (пк) добрий; гарний; хороший; корисний; вмілий g. engineering practice stack height [GEP stack height] технологічна висота димаря [комина] (розрахована на підставі передової інженерної технології) g. faith effort добросердечна спроба [зусилля] |
Англо-український військовий словник 2022 (Волонтери Ukrop Austria)
good * добре (термін радіообміну) |
good offices * посередництво; сприяння |
United Nations Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan (UNGOMAP) * Місія добрих послуг Організації Об’єднаних Націй в Афганістані і Пакистані (ЮНГОМАП) |
zone of good neighborliness * зона добросусідства |
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