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Великий англо-український словник 2011 (Є.І. Гороть, Л.М. Коцюк, Л.К. Малімон, А.Б. Павлюк.) 
free will [ˌfri:ˈwɪl] n свобода волі; of one’s own ~ добровільно, з власного бажання. |
free-will [ˌfri:wɪl] a добровільний. |
ill-will [ˌɪlˈwɪl] n недоброзичливість; злобливість; ворожість, неприязнь (до – to, towards); to bear, to harbor ~ towards smb відчувати/мати злість, затаїти злобу на когось; ~ about, over smth ворожість/ неприязнь через щось; ~ between smb неприязнь між кимсь. |
self-will [ˌselfˈwɪl] n свавільність, норовливість, упертість. |
whip-poor-will [ˈwɪppʋɘˌwɪl] n орн. дрімлюга. |
will2 [wɪl] v (past would) 1. допоміжне дієслово для утворення майбутнього часу у 2-й і 3-й особі одн. і мн.; would служить для утворення Future in the Past; he ~ return in two days він повернеться через два дні; he said that he would return on Friday він сказав, що він повернеться в п’ятницю; 2. модальне дієслово, що виражає 1) намір, рішучість, обіцянку; I ~ let you know я неодмінно дам вам знати; 2) припущення, ймовірність, можливість; you ~ be Mr. Smith ви, мабуть, містер Сміт; 3) опір (у заперечних реченнях, про неживі предмети); the door won’t open двері не відкриваються; the pen won’t write ручка не пише; 4) ввічливе прохання (в питальних та питально-заперечних реченнях); won’t you come in чи не хотіли б ви зайти?; won’t you sit down чи не хотіли б ви сісти?; won’t you have some tea чи не хотіли б ви випити чаю?; 5) щось неминуче, природно очікуване; accidents ~ happen нещасливі випадки завжди трапляються; boys ~ be boys хлопці завжди є хлопці; what ~ be ~ be чому бути, того не минути; 6) у питальних реченнях служить для пом’якшення наказу; shut the window, ~ you? закрийте, будь ласка, вікно; ~ you close the door, please? закрийте, будь ласка двері. |
will1 [wɪl] n 1. воля; сила волі; inflexible ~ непохитна воля; iron ~ залізна воля; strong ~ сильна воля; the ~ to live воля до життя; to implement the ~ of majority виконувати волю більшості; to impose one’s ~ on smb нав’язувати комусь свою волю; lack of ~ безволля; 2. твердий намір; бажання, хотіння; against one’s ~ проти волі, всупереч бажанню; at ~ за бажанням; як завгодно; of one’s own free ~ за власним бажанням, з доброї волі; to bear no ill ~ не мати поганих намірів; to have one’s ~ досягти свого; to show good ~ проявити доброзичливість; to show ill ~ проявити недоброзичливість; 3. енергія, ентузіазм; with a ~ енергійно; they set to work with a ~ вони енергійно взялися за роботу; 4. заповіт, духівниця; передсмертна воля; to make, to draw up one’s ~ скласти заповіт; to repudiate a ~ відрікатися від заповіту; ◊ where there is a ~ there is a way де хотіння, там і вміння; була б охота, а можливість буде. |
will1 [wɪl] v (past i p. p. willed, pres. p. willing) 1. проявляти волю; веліти, наказувати, вирішувати; fate ~ed it that he should die young йому було на роду написано вмерти молодим; God has ~ed it so на то була воля божа; he who ~s success is halfway to it сильне бажання є запорукою успіху; whatever he ~s he may accomplish що б він не задумав, він усе може зробити; 2. змушувати, примушувати; вселяти, викликати; to ~ oneself into contentment примусити себе задовольнитися; to ~ oneself to fall asleep примусити себе заснути; to ~ smb to do, into doing smth примусити когось зробити щось; 3. хотіти, бажати, жадати; 4. заповідати; to ~ away from smb позбавляти законного спадкоємця спадщини; he ~ed his estate to her він заповів їй своє помістя. |
will-o’-the-wisp [ˌwɪlɘʧɘˈwɪsp] n 1. блудний (мандрівний) вогник; 2. перен. щось облудне, невловиме. |
will-power [ˈwɪlˌpaʋɘ] n сила волі; ~ to do smth сила волі зробити щось; to demonstrate ~ проявити силу волі. |
Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко) 
Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families прислів’я Тлум. Непередбачені неприємності трапляються навіть там, де все добре. Укр. Кожен нема-нема та й схибить <дасть маху>. Хто не оступається. І між доброю капустою бувають гнилі качани. Про людей чи уподібнені до них об’єкти: У сім’ї не без виродка. Кожна отара не без паршивої вівці. ‣ I cannot conceive any deliberate ill-treatment of boys by a community motivated by the ideals of its founder. The point is that accidents happen in the best-regulated families and in this family there are about 800 boys. |
Be sure your sins will find you out прислів’я Your sins will find you out Укр. Ваш гріх знайде вас (переклад І. Огієнка). Від своїх гріхів не втечеш. Ком. Біблеїзм: «But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out» (Числа 32:23). ‣ In his address, the Rev David McIlveen paid tribute to the dignity and courage of the 17-year-old’s family. And he also told those involved in Andrew’s death: ’Be sure your sins will find you out.’ ‣ If the advances in DNA can restore a meaningful life to any one person, who am I to argue? Nor do I have any qualms about criminals being brought to justice using DNA technology many years after they have escaped prosecution because of lack of evidence. Be sure your sins will find you out! |
Boys will be boys прислів’я Тлум. Те, що властиво робити хлопцям, вони неодмінно чинимуть, тому цьому не варто дивуватись. Укр. Хлопці хлопцями. Що з хлопців спитати <взяти>? Ком. Прислів’я вживають на пояснення поблажливого ставлення. За аналогією вживають також: girls will be girls. ‣ While we are programmed to act instinctively, we also have (or should have) brakes on our behaviour. Boys will be boys and it’s amazing I survived my son’s death-defying early years without my hair turning white. ‣ Boys will be boys: Skateboarders are renowned for their rebellious attitude, and they lived up to it at the street competition. After several skaters flew up a ramp and over a wall onto The Home Depot Center’s velodrome floor, the skaters were repeatedly told to nix the stunt. Instead, they kept it up. ‣ But boys will be boys. Even when they are supposed to be grown men. Which explains -- but does not excuse -- Toronto Argonauts coach Mike Clemons defending an incident last week that left a public-relations intern taped to a goalpost after practice. The intern also had water and food poured over him. |
If anything can go wrong, it will прислів’я Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong Пер. Якщо щось може піти не так, так воно й буде. Ком. Це один із так званих «законів Мерфі» (Murphy’s Laws), що підкреслюють неуникний характер всіляких життєвих негараздів. Має, крім цієї форми, багато інших варіацій. Прислів’я приписують Джорджу Ніколсу (George Nichols), що сформулював його в 1949р., відштовхуючись від зауваги свого колеги Е. Мерфі. ‣ The mission’s planners deemed a parachute landing too harsh … But if anything can go wrong, it will. The parachutes failed to open. So … the $260m probe plummeted into the sand at 190mph. ‣ Schumacher won his first of five consecutive world championships in 2000 and was hoping for his sixth this year, but two things got in his way: Fernando Alonso and Murphy’s Law (in which, if anything can go wrong, it will - and just about everything went wrong for Ferrari this year). ‣ Lately, San Diego appears to provide a municipal example of the truth of Murphy’s Law: if anything can go wrong, it will. This city has received national notoriety for its fiscal woes, seen in such labels as The New York Times’ "Enron-by-the-sea" and Time magazine’s "three worst mayors." |
Love will find a way прислів’я Пер. Кохання знайде собі дорогу. Укр. Для любові немає перешкод. Пор. Love conquers all. Love laughs at locksmiths. ‣ K.C. Pummill assures people that love will find a way if it’s meant to be. She knows from experience. She and John were apart for five years before they got back together for good in 1996. They married a year later. ‣ The number of times Ronaldo and Daniella Cicarelli have postponed their wedding because … ’of her constant fury’. … But Ronaldo says love will find a way. ’This time, I am so much in love that I have lost control of myself.’ |
Mistakes will happen прислів’я Укр. Помилок не уникнути. ‣ "I made some stupid mistakes and got hurt by them," he said. True, but he made them in his sixth career start. He appears to realize that mistakes will happen, and that he cannot single-handedly shut down any team. ‣ China, as can be imagined, has had great difficulty in growing so rapidly and it is, after all, still a developing country that is trying to cope with all the problems associated with modernisation and globalisation. The Chinese are doing their best to put institutions and personnel in place but it is only natural that mistakes will happen. ‣ Still, problems slipped by last year at some the Grandma’s restaurants, including at Bellisio’s, which had two critical violations… Zacher said those violations have since been addressed, but added that despite the best efforts, mistakes will happen. |
The Lord will provide прислів’я Укр. Бог дасть. ‣ Ehrich’s teenage years passed frantically in a series of mundane odd jobs. While his father muttered to himself, "The Lord will provide", Ehrich was in fact doing the providing. ‣ Sure, air conditioning would be nice. But Tommy Lampley, standing in the middle of the stifling Childs Park Recreation Center …, is happy just to have a place where the Eagles can play basketball for free. … "The Lord will provide, in time," he says of the air-conditioning dilemma. |
The truth will out прислів’я Укр. Правду не сховаєш. Правда і в морі не втоне. ‣ In time, Milosevic’s propaganda will wear so thin that even the most credulous nationalistic Serb will see through it. The truth will out. ‣ "It is clear the prime minister has violated the conflict-of-interest code and misled Parliament and Canadians," Conservative Leader Joe Clark said yesterday. "Today is a turning point in this discussion. The truth will out." ‣ By the look of the voting on the Echo questions on this issue, the general public have already been conned by incorrect statements already made. The truth will out in the end, but the fear is that, by then, it will be a little too late to avoid the taxes that all the politically correct environmentalists have caused us all to suffer. |
Time will tell прислів’я Only time will tell Укр. (Лише) час покаже. ‣ I, for one, am reluctant to answer the question, ’’Whither Soviet relations with Poland?’’ Only time will tell. One thing is perfectly clear, however: The Soviet bosses astonished everyone by the speed with which they selected Mr. Andropov to succeed Mr. Brezhnev. ‣ One of Lurie’s favorite expressions is "only time will tell." As in, only time will tell if Ray Rhodes returns for his fifth year as head coach. ‣ The result was another conference loss. The number of them over the last three seasons could cost Gillen his job. ’’We’ll see. Time will tell. Time will tell,’’ Gillen said. ’’We still got one game left and the ACC tournament.’’ |
What is to come will come прислів’я Пер. Що має бути – буде. ‣ On his return to Denmark from his piratical adventure, Hamlet experiences a sea-change. The waiting is no longer unbearable and angst-filled. He accepts that what is to come will come, when it comes. ‣ At 77, do you think much about age and mortality? I don’t think about it at all. What will come will come. ‣ The 70-year-old hasn’t slept in her own bed since Hurricane Charley took her roof. Now that it’s being fixed, she’s resigned herself to a morbid reality. "Whatever comes will come," she says. |
When the cat’s away, the mice will play прислів’я Укр. Кіт із хати — миші танцювати <миші на стіл>. Коли кота миші не чують, то безпечно собі гарцюють. Кіт за пліт, а миші в танець. Кіт — спати, а миші — танцювати. ‣ People drive through the Oaks with all types of vehicles, he said, and don’t obey speed limits. "The Sheriff’s Department has done an excellent job of slowing it down when they can be there," he said. "But when the cat’s away, the mice will play. It’s just a matter of time before someone gets killed." ‣ Turns out, "When the cat’s away, the mice will play." A call the next day to the restaurant to get some clarification on certain menu items presented the opportunity to speak with Dan Graham, the owner. He noted that he’d come home a day early from a two-week vacation and surprised his crew with a late-night visit the very Sunday we had been there. He, like us, was disappointed. |
Where there’s a will, there’s a way прислів’я Укр. Хто хоче, той може. Де хотіння, там і вміння. Тлум. Якщо дуже захочеш, завжди знайдеш можливість досягти бажаного. ‣ Where there’s a will, there a way and that’s the message Will McFadden is taking to the people of Charlottetown as he vies for the top seat on Charlottetown city council. … "I’m trying to include the people of my generation, my age group." …. At 25, McFadden said he believes he can speak to the young voters of Charlottetown and they will listen, at least some of them will. ‣ Prisons strive to be drug-free [title] … "If there’s a will, there’s a way," King said of the prison drug market. Given that robust demand, he said, an absolutely drug-free prison system might be unattainable. |
Wonders (will) never cease прислів’я Укр. Дива не перестануть. Тлум. Завжди трапляється щось, що сильно дивує, попри попередній досвід. ‣ Wonders will never cease! It looks as though the Tories are actually coming up with some firm policies - as opposed to the usual waffle. ‣ Hats off to the Baltic Fleet … and a planned pub refurbishment which, wonders will never cease, sounds like it will actually change things for the better. ‣ Wonders never cease. As soon as we complained that the garbage can at one of Sacramento’s trash-plagued bus stops had been taken away, somebody brought it back. The city utilities department, it turns out, had taken it and now has returned it. |
Youth must be served прислів’я Youth will be served Укр. Молодим – дорогу. (в окремих контекстах, приблизно) Молодим скрізь <завжди> у нас дорога. ‣ His story was not supposed to be about finishing second. And certainly not third. But youth must be served, and so it was at the 27th Annapolis 10-Mile Run on Sunday when 19-year-old Dusty Lieb dropped Mark Gilmore and me like a couple of bad habits with less than two miles remaining. ‣ "Youth must be served. If you look at a lot of media, older Americans aren’t important unless you’re selling Craftmatic beds." ‣ Like a savvy evangelist, Santana, 57, a star since Woodstock in 1969, knows that the youth must be served. That’s why he had Los Lonely Boys, a trio of twenty-something brothers from Texas, as his opening act and mid-set guests. |
Англо-український тлумачний словник економічної лексики 2004 (А. Шимків) 
will юр. заповіт правовий документ заповідача (testator) про розпорядження своїм майном (property1), що набирає сили після його смерті |
Англійсько-український словник-довідник інженерії довкілля 2000 (Тимотей Балабан) 
will (і) воля; сила волі; бажання; заповіт; (д) виявляти волю; бажати; наказувати, веліти; заповідати |
Англо-український військовий словник 2022 (Волонтери Ukrop Austria) 
wilco = will comply * ‘зрозумів – виконую’ (термін радіообміну) |
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