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Загальний народний англійсько-український словник 2010– () 
Великий англо-український словник 2011 (Є.І. Гороть, Л.М. Коцюк, Л.К. Малімон, А.Б. Павлюк.) 
go-as-you-please [ˌgɘʋɘzjʋˈpli:z] a 1. вільний від правил (про гонки тощо); 2. необмежений; незв’язаний; 3. позбавлений плану; 4. що має невизначену швидкість; з довільним ритмом. |
pay-as-you-earn [ˌpeɪɘzjʋˈɜ:n] n стягування податків від заробітної плати. |
pay-as-you-go [ˌpeɪɘzjʋˈgɘʋ] n 1. життя відповідно до достатків; 2. стягування податків від заробітної плати. |
you [ju:] pron (неозначено-особовий, у безособових зворотах, не перекладається) ~ can never tell ніколи не можна сказати наперед. |
you [ju:; jʋ, jɘ] pron pers. 1. ти, ви (об’єктний відм. you sg, pl); ~ all, all of ~ ви всі/всі ви; ~ both, both of ~ ви обоє; ~ can do it yourself ти сам можеш/ви самі можете це зробити; is it difficult for ~? це для тебе/вас важко?; thank ~ дякую; 2. заст. = yourself. USAGE: See both. |
you’d [ju:d] скор. розм. = you had; you would. |
you-know-what [ˌju:nɘʋˈwɒt] n ось це саме (евфемістична форма замість незгадуваного предмета, чогось непристойного тощо). |
you’ll [ju:l] скор. розм. = you will, you shall. |
you’re [jɔ:, jʋɘ] скор. розм. = you are. |
you’ve [ju:v] скор. розм. = you have. |
Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко) 
Be sure your sins will find you out прислів’я Your sins will find you out Укр. Ваш гріх знайде вас (переклад І. Огієнка). Від своїх гріхів не втечеш. Ком. Біблеїзм: «But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out» (Числа 32:23). ‣ In his address, the Rev David McIlveen paid tribute to the dignity and courage of the 17-year-old’s family. And he also told those involved in Andrew’s death: ’Be sure your sins will find you out.’ ‣ If the advances in DNA can restore a meaningful life to any one person, who am I to argue? Nor do I have any qualms about criminals being brought to justice using DNA technology many years after they have escaped prosecution because of lack of evidence. Be sure your sins will find you out! |
Do as you would be done by прислів’я Укр. Як бажаєте, щоб вам люди чинили, так само чиніть їм і ви (переклад І. Огієнка). Не роби іншим того, що сам собі не бажаєш. Син. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Ком. Біблеїзм: «Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets» (Матвія 7:12, також Луки 6:31). ‣ [Mr Straw said:] “It’s about looking at how you treat the public and putting yourselves in their shoes. Do as you would be done by.” ‣ I never know how much to put into the collection. Do birthdays demand a bigger contribution than maternity leave - or vice versa? …[Emma Hamilton:] "I think anything under £1 is too little; I’d usually put £1.50 to £2, or maybe more if it was for a good friend. Perhaps a good rule for collections is "do as you would be done by«.» |
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you прислів’я Укр. Як бажаєте, щоб вам люди чинили, так само чиніть їм і ви (переклад І. Огієнка). Не роби іншим того, що сам собі не бажаєш. Син. Do as you would be done by. Ком. Біблеїзм: «Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets» (Матвія 7:12, також Луки 6:31). ‣ Professor Helen Petrie … says most adults haven’t yet learnt how to use email. … "People don’t put themselves in the position of the recipient. Emails can come across as abrupt and often quite brutal." Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, in other words. ‣ John J. Eagan … had resolved to demonstrate that a factory [Acipco] could be run on the basis of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. … To carry out his plan, he decided to institute profit sharing for all employees. Upon his death, he declared, Acipco’s workers would inherit the company. ‣ 64 percent approve of Hamas randomly firing rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israeli communities. … I wonder if 64 percent of the Palestinians would approve if Israel began reciprocal random attacks on Gaza. What is the old line, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" |
If you can’t beat them, join them <’em> прислів’я If you can’t lick them, join them Тлум. Якщо супротивника неможливо здолати, варто перейти на його бік, об’єднатися з ним. Укр. Як не можеш здолати, ліпше другом стати. ‣ Easy Internet distribution anyone can use. Suddenly high-quality photos are no longer scarce, so they’re cheap. So if you can’t beat them, join them. Getty Images holds 30 percent of the global stock photo market, and in February it purchased iStockphoto for $50 million. |
If you don’t stand <like> the heat, get out of the kitchen прислів’я Пер. Не подобається жар – забирайся з кухні. ‣ They probably don’t worry about bugs at the North Pole. The ultimate solution, of course, is to go indoors. "If you don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen" and all that. ‣ If you don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen. It’d be like a surgeon who didn’t like the sight of blood. |
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know прислів’я Тлум. Особисті зв’язки важливіші для успіху, ніж знання. Укр. Головне не те, що́ ти знаєш, а кого́ ти знаєш. ‣ Whatever funding source you access, cashflow can be your biggest hurdle. Business friends and contacts are crucial. There is an old business saying: "It’s not what you know, it’s who you know." ‣ Any recent graduate still chasing that elusive first job will have had the importance of networking impressed upon them countless times. "It’s not what you know, it’s who you know" and other such terrifying truths are whispered at dinner parties and family events. |
It’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game прислів’я Пер. Важить не виграш чи програш, а гра <як граєш>. ‣ It’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. That old saying couldn’t be more appropriate than for our own Olympic boxer Todd Kidd, who fought in Beijing on Sunday. He won’t be bringing home a medal but nevertheless he should feel extremely proud. He has reached the heights of his sport, joined the Olympian ranks and is now a hero in his hometown. ‣ If it’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game, Rachael Hartz played it with style Saturday. Despite battling a debilitating illness since last April, Rachael, 8, made up her mind to compete in this year’s youth triathlon, sponsored by St. Anthony’s Hospital. ‣ It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. I aimed to beat 60 minutes for this year’s Canberra Times Family Fun Run and I failed. I clocked just over one hour four minutes. But I played the game. |
Laugh and the world laughs with you прислів’я Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep <cry> and you weep <cry> alone Укр. Смійся, і світ буде сміятися разом з тобою; плач, і ти будеш плакати один. ‣ Laugh and the world laughs with you. But what if you can’t tell a joke to save your life? For those of us would-be wits who draw more puzzled looks than laughs, there’s an online class called "Get Funny.’’ ‣ Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone. The old adage trips so tritely off the tongue that it’s easy to forget the distressing truth it encompasses. Captured Voices … is a book to strip this truth bare. A powerful - and painful - anthology, it gathers together poems and prose pieces by those who have been tortured, imprisoned or exiled, who have been isolated by what they have had to bear. |
Live and learn прислів’я You <we> live and learn Укр. Вік живи – вік учись. ‣ "I don’t see myself writing any other movies that aren’t in this kind of tone, this real tone," he says. "You live and you learn. You grow." ‣ "You live and you learn," Scott said of his decision to coach Princeton, his alma mater, after leading Air Force to the 2004 NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association] Tournament in just his fourth season at the academy. ‣ I … felt like a big generous idiot. Without a receipt, my generosity instantly tripled in value because not only had I given the girl two free days on the subway, but a $15 tax credit, too. Live and learn, right? |
Look before you leap прислів’я Пер. Перше подивись, а тоді стрибай. Укр. Тричі міряй, а раз одріж. ‣ ’’What borrowers may not realise is, there is no such thing as a ’free’ gift with their loan,’’ says Lisa Montgomery …. ’They will be paying for their own gift through certain loan conditions … .’’ As always, the old adage applies: look before you leap. ‣ Look before you leap. "Before You Dive Into Swimming Pool Construction," a pamphlet from the Contractors State License Board, has information on how to hire a contractor, payment schedules and other tips for consumers. |
Practice what you preach прислів’я, амер. Practise what you preach брит. Тлум. Слова не повинні розходитись з ділами. Укр. Як кажеш, так і сам роби. ‣ Peter Costello is very good at demanding the states cut taxes. Mr Treasurer, practise what you preach. Stop double-taxing us on petrol. ‣ When it comes to saving the planet Olympian Ian Thorpe has a simple message: practise what you preach. A ’’greenie’’ from his schooldays, Thorpe is set to become the environmental face of FOXTEL with a new 20-part series, Action Earth, offering simple tips on caring for the Earth. |
Show me your company, and I’ll tell you who you are прислів’я Пер. Покажи мені своє товариство, й я скажу тобі, хто ти. Укр. Скажи мені, хто твій друг, і я скажу, хто ти. Син. You’re known by the company you keep. ‣ When growing up I often heard, ’Show me your company and I’ll tell you who you are.’ Color was never mentioned, but I lived with this quote all my life. ‣ By all accounts, Pete Rose isn’t a very nice man. As my dear late grandmother … would say, ’Show me your company and I’ll tell who you are.’ Rose, who served time in prison for income tax evasion, hung with coke dealers and steroid freaks. |
Three strikes and you’re out прислів’я Укр. Три промахи – і вилітаєш. Ком. Прислів’я походить із бейсболу: гравець, який три рази не влучає по м’ячу, мусить сісти на лаву. ‣ ’Who needs a player who finds doping more rewarding than a career in football? Three strikes and you’re out. This is his fourth suspension. Football should say no to Ricky Williams permanently.’ ‣ "Over three years of ownership, my car has been in the shop more than I’ve driven it. I’ve given it plenty of chances. Three strikes, you’re out." ‣ In baseball it’s three strikes and you’re out. If that rule were applied to making movies then horrormeister Wes Craven’s career should never have taken off. |
Truth is stranger than fiction прислів’я Укр. Правда дивніша за вигадку. Син. Fact is stranger than fiction. ‣ Truth IS stranger than fiction. Six months ago, if you had suggested a tied presidential election, the scriptwriters of The West Wing would have laughed you out of the conference room. ‣ ’Truth is stranger than fiction, this story has certainly developed some pretty surreal twists.’ Tony Abbott on the son he thought he had who turned out not to be his after all. ‣ Truth is stranger than fiction! … One remembers that the British novelist H.G. Wells confessed in 1901 that he could not see any submarine doing anything but suffocating its crew and foundering. As late as 1948 the Science Digest explained that the problems of landing and moving around on the moon were so immense that ""it may take science another 200 years to resolve them". … Indeed, if you had been told in grandfather’s day that the next two decades would produce portable computers, video-tape machines, birth control pills, test tube babies and supersonic planes, moon walks and heart transplants, you would have said, ""Bumkum!". |
What you don’t know won’t hurt you прислів’я, перев. амер. What you don’t know can’t hurt you Укр. Чого не знаєш, від того не страждаєш Ком. Інколи вживано як виправдання для ненадання інформації з метою захисту (бо вона нібито може зашкодити тим, хто про неї дізнається) ‣ The tours of his youth … took him to Grenouille bar and restaurant. … It’s a far cry from the venue he’ll be playing later this year, when he is to perform … at London’s Royal Albert Hall. "I very much believe that what you don’t know won’t hurt you. When I was living there, I didn’t know any better so it was fine." ‣ Anyone who believes that what you don’t know can’t hurt you should read the fine print in the Georgia law allowing private companies to submit secret, unsolicited bids to build public roads. In this case, ignorance isn’t bliss. |
When <if> you are in a hole, stop digging прислів’я Пер. Якщо ти в ямі, припини копати. ‣ Although rejected as a Labour candidate in the 1999 devolved election, he successfully stood as an independent. Instinctively, Canavan obeyed the First Law of Holes. When you are in a hole, stop digging. He stopped, the earth settled and he went on to win handsomely. ‣ Also, Wynne says, many businesses [that got themselves into debt] are slow to act for fear of upsetting business partners. Again, a mistake. "When you’re in a hole, stop digging. Get some help and get it sorted out,’’ Wynne adds. |
You always hurt the one you love прислів’я Пер. Кого любимо, того ранимо. ‣ You always hurt the one you love. When a judge used that hoary old line in a court case I was covering some 17 years ago, people grimaced and squirmed. After all, it was a case of domestic abuse, a man beating his wife. No laughing matter. ‣ It’s painfully clear that we do indeed "always hurt the ones we love."Why we act so perversely - treating strangers much more politely than we do the people who are essential to our well-being - has yet to be fully explained. ‣ The old saw "you always hurt the one you love" holds true in the case of those day-to-day relationship squabbles. Rather than treat loved ones with more respect, it’s the unfortunate truth that many people afford them less consideration than they do others. It’s easy to lash out at your partner or spouse when hassles at work or credit-card bills get you down. |
You can have too much of a good thing прислів’я There can be too much of a good thing Укр. Що забагато, то нездорово. Хорошого потрошки. Пор. (There’s) never too much of a good thing. ‣ I love mushrooms. Well I used to. You can have too much of a good thing. ‣ Although exercise can be a key part of managing high blood pressure and heart disease, new animal research suggests there can be too much of a good thing. In experiments with rats, researchers found that excessive exercise worsened high blood pressure. |
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him <it> drink прислів’я You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him <it> drink Пер. Можеш пригнати коня до води, але пити його не примусиш. Укр. Силуваним волом багато не виореш. Силуваним конем не наїздитись. Ком. Зрідка у прислів’ї перед словом water вживають артикль the. ‣ Although there are 11.4 million registered voters, state election officials estimated that less than 8 percent turned out. … "The old adage that ’you can take a horse to water but you can’t make him drink’ comes to mind," said Perry. ‣ You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. By the same token, you can take a jobless Scot to a job interview, but it appears you cannot make him (or her) remotely employable. "We’ve just given up on locals, " says one large factory owner of my acquaintance. "It’s a waste of time. They don’t want to work." ‣ You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. So Jamie Oliver has found. His efforts to tackle flabbiness and lassitude among the nation’s schoolchildren by feeding them bouillabaisse instead of turkey twizzlers have met with strong resistance. Since schools started trying to meet his demands by making meals healthier, the number of children eating them has fallen on average by 5.8% |
You cannot get blood from a stone прислів’я Тлум. Безнадійно вимагати грошей від неплатоспроможного. Укр. Не буде з цапа вовни. У ялової корови молока не випросиш. Ком. Замість stone можуть вживати інше слово, яке позначає непіддатливу річ, або ж використовують конструкцію You cannot get X from Y, вставляючи потрібні слова. ‣ ’’You can’t get blood from a stone. If he’s not working there’s not a great ability to repay anything. ‣ If the cafe has ceased trading, it probably has no money. You can’t get blood from a stone (no matter how guilty the stone may be) and you should consider the possibility that you could go through and win in court, but then find that the cafe doesn’t have any money to pay. |
You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country of the boy прислів’я Тлум. Людину можна вивезти з рідної сторони, але внутрішньо (звичками, уподобаннями тощо) вона завжди залишиться прив’язаною до того місця, де вона виросла, сформувалася. Укр. Можна покинути домівку, але не Батьківщину. Ком. Прислів’я часто видозмінюють, замінюючи слова в парі boy – country. ‣ You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy, and Lillyman still loves heading back to his parents’ property for pig shooting and cattle wrangling. ‣ On the outside, Marietta’s big-city transformation appears to be all-consuming, but Clarkson says, "You can take the girl out of the South, but you can’t take the South out of the girl." ‣ You can take the girls out of New York - but you can’t take the Manhattan glamour out of the girls. |
You can’t fight City Hall прислів’я Укр. З бюрократією неможливо битися. Головою мура не проб’єш. ‣ It takes time and money to fight these cases in court and determine exactly how the law applies in specific cases, Gleason said. "Otherwise, you can’t fight city hall," he said. ‣ The meetings … provide people the opportunity to confront an official directly with a problem. You can look them in the eye and make your case, knowing you have the attention of one of the most powerful ears in the county. Some people say you can’t fight City Hall, but at a Town Hall meeting you can save a lot of sweat by getting around all those midlevel bureaucrats. |
You can’t keep a good man down прислів’я Укр. Хорошу людину не стримати <не зламати, не зупинити>. Хороша людина завжди проб’ється. ‣ Falsely accused of murder, he is exiled to the bleak desert wastelands … but you can’t keep a good man down, so he comes storming back to unmask a sinister conspiracy and settle some old scores. ‣ They say you can’t keep a good man down, and Harris is a very good man indeed. You don’t get much better at motorcycle road-racing than being an Isle of Man winner and Harris has done that twice. ‣ You just can’t keep a good man down - which is no doubt why Jamie Oliver is back in action. After spending the past eight years in the spotlight, you’d think he [as a chef] might want to hang up his wooden spoon for a while and enjoy the fruits of his labours. But not our Jamie. |
You can’t <cannot> have your cake and eat it (too) прислів’я You can’t <cannot> eat your cake and have it Укр. Один пиріг два рази не з’їсиш. З одного вола дві шкури не деруть. Що пішло, того нема. ‣ I also liked the fact that his worlds are in collision: the straight life and his other existence as a thief. He has a fantasy that it’s possible to live them both. But you can’t have your cake and eat it, too. ‣ Russia is saying, You can’t have your cake and eat it: if you’re in the Russian sphere of influence you get cheap energy; if you aren’t, you don’t. ‣ ’’As for the negative consequences of eliminating industrial society - well, you can’t eat your cake and have it too - to gain one thing you have to sacrifice another. |
You can’t make an omelette < амер. omelet> without breaking eggs прислів’я Пер. Не розбивши крашанки, не спечеш яєчні. Ком. Кінцева мета (що їй у прислів’ї відповідає яєшня) для мовця є важливішою, а супутні втрати чи неприємності – менш важливими й виправданими. Вживання прислів’я спирається на ту передумову, що слухач підтримує слушність мети й разом з мовцем визнає її важливішою за принесену жертву. Тому прислів’я зазвичай не може стосуватися дій, засуджуваних у суспільстві, як от пограбування чи створення тоталітарного ладу (див. третю цитату). ‣ Hundreds of homes and businesses will have to be demolished to make way for the Olympic stadium. "The Government says that you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, but we don’t want to be those eggs. We don’t know where we’ll go, but we’ll find a solution." ‣ As a child I was aware of being sensitive, of not wanting to cause pain to insects. I wept at the thought that my toys might be hurt. Now as an adult I realise you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. I have hurt a lot of people in my life, I hope not too many. ‣ Pilger’s penchant for excusing the inexcusable brings to mind a similarly lame attempt to justify the unjustifiable that took place at the height of the Soviet mass murder spree of the 1930s. At that time, The New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty entered the pantheon of journalistic infamy when he quipped "you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs" in an effort to rationalise Stalin’s gulags, summary executions and show trials. |
You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear прислів’я Укр. Барвінок на вінок, а полин на віник. І з великого віслюка не буде слона. Віслюк від стусанів конем не стане. ‣ I personally like him, but his performance over the last three weeks proves you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. He is programmed with facts and he is good at regurgitating them but he doesn’t have the ability to lead the country. ‣ Chopp could find the best highway designer in the world, but an elevated freeway is still an elevated freeway. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, and you can’t salvage any kind of aesthetic or environmental good, or any urban-planning sense, out of plopping a concrete-behemoth bypass along a scenic downtown waterfront. |
You can’t please everyone прислів’я Укр. Ще той не родився, щоб всім догодив.Один чоловік усьому світові не вгодить. ‣ I was too worried about what people thought about me. But I’ve developed a thick skin and realize you can’t please everyone. ‣ Because of his fantastic tales, he’s [Herodotus] been labelled the Father of History. Actually, because his tales are so fantastic, he’s also been labelled the Father of Lies, but you can’t please everyone. |
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks прислів’я Укр. Старого собаку новим штукам не навчиш. Чого Івась не навчиться, того Іван не буде вміти. ‣ O’Malley said … the radio spot reveals Ehrlich is employing "the politics of division and fear" that the governor "has always practiced.« »You can’t teach an old dog new tricks," he said. ‣ You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, they say. But, from this autumn, that attitude could get you into trouble in your workplace. On 1 October, new legislation comes into force outlawing age discrimination at work. Employers will, for example, no longer be able to exclude older staff from training courses. ‣ Whoever said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks had never met Drew Ginn and Duncan Free. The veteran Australian pair are ready to show just how far they’ve come in a relatively short time at the world championships at Eton in England starting tomorrow. |
You can’t tell a book by its cover прислів’я Тлум. Не варто робити висновки про сутність чогось за його зовнішнім виглядом. Укр. Не суди за зовнішністю <з вигляду>. Негативна характеристика: Зовнішність оманлива. Не все те золото, що блищить. Син. Never judge a book by its cover. ‣ He said, he voted against the bill because it lacked fiscal controls, and the institute eventually closed amid serious questions about its finances. ’’You can’t tell a book by its cover, and you can’t tell a law by its title,’’ Mr. Faso said. ‣ Built in the late 1940s, Garfield County’s hospital and nursing home will never win a beauty contest. But come inside, and you’ll see how the smiles, the gentle touch of staff and the smells of home-cooked meals prove the adage that you can’t tell a book by its cover. |
You can’t unscramble the egg(s) прислів’я Укр. Зробленого не вернеш. Зробиш — не вернеш. ‣ The commission will probably seek clarification from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on how to revise the merger conditions to make them comply with the court order. "You can’t unscramble the egg, and nobody’s going try to do that," said Jonathan Askin. ‣ The ruling means California cannot roll back the clock and reverse any part of its deregulation plan at will, said Mike Florio of the consumer watchdog group The Utility Reform Network. "You can’t unscramble the egg," Florio said. "Now that we’ve lost jurisdiction over transmission, we can’t get it back." |
You can’t win them <’em> all прислів’я Укр. Усього не виграєш. Тлум. Успіх не є постійний – трапляються й невдача. Син. You win some and you lose some. ‣ "You can’t win them all. Well, I’m going to try. Why not?" the junior wrestler from Raymond Central said. ‣ Hot and humid conditions tended to damp down appetites for the wares of the food vendors. "But, you can’t win ’em all…,” he added. |
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar прислів’я More flies are caught with honey than vinegar рідко Пер. На мед ловиться більше мух, ніж на оцет. Укр. На мед, не на жовч, люди мух ловлять. ‣ When I started teaching, I thought the solution to a room full of screaming students was to outyell them -- but as I learned the craft and skills of my profession, I realised that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. ‣ I was about to say something real mean when I remembered what Grandma Lupe always said, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." I forced myself to smile and said as nicely as I could, "Emilio, you’re such a fast runner. I bet you could be at Doc Murray’s in 20 minutes." |
You don’t bite the hand that feeds you прислів’я Don’t bite the hand that feeds you Пер. He кусай руку, що тебе годує. ‣ Do you ever think that what your customer is requesting won’t suit them? That does happen. What I do in that situation is acknowledge what the customer wants. … Then I offer to stay within the original idea but change a few things. But in the end, it’s their money. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you, you know. ‣ "There’s nothing to my knowledge that Randy is doing that creates any friction with George Pataki," said Mr. Kayser …. "In fact, I’m sure Randy would be very careful not to. You don’t really bite the hand that feeds you. There’s no question that Randy is a Pataki loyalist." ‣ Why would your newspaper go to such lengths to criticize Emeril Lagasse? … Emeril is investing lots of energy in fund-raising for the city and plans to reopen his restaurants. … Emeril is the kind of person we need in New Orleans. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. |
You don’t get something for nothing прислів’я You don’t get owt for nowt Пер. Щось із нічого не буває. Ком. Діалектні слова owt та nowt значать, відповідно, ‘щось’ та ‘ніщо’. ‣ The reality is that the MoD [Ministry of Defence] has done this largely by juggling costs from one budget to another. You don’t get something for nothing - so it leaves me wondering what cuts have been made in other parts of the military to accommodate this financial reshuffle. ‣ Look out for fee-free deals, where the lender covers arrangement, legal and valuation costs. You don’t get something for nothing though - the interest rates are higher to compensate. ‣ I spy a free iPhone - what’s the catch? You don’t get owt for nowt, as they say and that’s certainly the case at Tokyo university Aoyama Gakuin which is giving iPhones to 550 students to use for podcasting lectures. However, reports suggest custom-built applications mean the phone can be used as a tracking device, to tell if a student is on campus. |
You have to take the bitter with the sweet прислів’я Укр. В житті всяке буває. ‣ What I learned about from the Girl Scouts is that when you volunteer to be a leader, or volunteer to take on these girls, you’ve got to take the bitter with the sweet. You’ve got to take your shoes off, get your feet wet and roll with the punches. Lord knows they’ll run with the punches! You need to know that this is something I want to do. I want to make a difference. If you do not want to make a difference, the girls are going to see that. ‣ Marbury has been booed all season until the past three games. But he never got a standing ovation this season until last night. "It’s New York," Marbury said. "You got to take the bitter with the sweet. You can’t get too high, can’t get too low. You stay in the middle. When they boo I understand. It makes it tougher when you’re at home. But at the same time, when you’re playing well, they cheer." |
You have to walk before you can run прислів’я Walk before you can run You’ve got to <must> walk before you can run Укр. Щоб навчитися ходити, навчись спочатку повзати. Всьому свій час. Тлум. Спершу слід навчитися робити прості речі, а потім вже можна братися до чогось важчого. Ком. Вживають також ідіому to run before one can walk. ‣ Walk before you can run. That’s the case for Naperville North like many other teams in the early going of the season. … Naperville North beat tough non-conference teams … [but] suffered a shootout loss to Maine South. ’’We haven’t played very consistent yet," said Naperville North coach Al Harris. ‣ Just like people must learn to walk before they can run, they must learn to float before they can swim. ‣ Rob Ramsay [a baseball player] made an impressive return to the mound, pitching a perfect inning for San Diego yesterday in his first game since having a cancerous brain tumour removed. "I got through an inning," Ramsay said. "You’ve got to walk before you can run. I’m pleased with being able to complete an inning." |
You only live once прислів’я We only live once Укр. Життя одне. Ми живемо лише один раз. ‣ You only live once and you can’t take the money with you. Some people put all their money in a bank and leave it there till they die. But I’m not that type of person. ‣ "You only live once," he told a reporter, after announcing that he had crossed Australia’s perilous Nullabor Plain. "Death is when you don’t move. Life is when you move. I’m moving a lot." ‣ It was another act of shameless showboating, but we only live once, so why not savor these crazy, fun moments? |
You pay peanuts, you get monkeys прислів’я, брит. Pay peanuts, get monkeys Укр. Яка платня, такі й робітники. Ком. Обіграно два значення слова peanuts – 1) арахіс; 2) невелика сума грошей. Monkey тут значить ‘поганий робітник’. ‣ You pay peanuts, you get monkeys, and if it takes a good buck to get someone with the skill to operate a nuclear plant then it has to be paid. ‣ The debate to cut ministerial wages, pensions, and the other extra bits that politicians receive is that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. I disagree; the massive pay packets attract the greedy and dishonourable. ‣ Take tax seriously. There are plenty of legitimate deductions that don’t get claimed. If your accountant is doing his job properly when completing your tax return, you could end up getting a lot more than you thought you could. Remember, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. |
You pays your money and you takes your choice прислів’я Укр. Будь-яка примха за Ваші гроші. Ком. Тут pays та takes – нелітературні розмовні форми дієслів. ‣ To be frank, I would say about the empirical work that there are so many competing analyses that you pays your money and you takes your choice. ‣ What the Governor was saying, said one newspaper, was that interest rates would definitely need to rise further. Another said his speech was neutral for rates while a third interpreted his comments as meaning that rates would soon be falling. You pays your money and you takes your choice. |
You’re known by the company you keep прислів’я A man <everyone, everybody> is known by the company he <they> keeps прислів’я Пер. Чоловіка видно з його товариства. Укр. Послухай дурного, то й сам дурним станеш. З розумним розуму наберешся, а з дурним й останній загубиш. Син. Show me your company, and I’ll tell you who you are. ‣ You are known by the company you keep. You can increase your reputation by partnering with a firm that has a great business reputation. ‣ I think it is stunning that Michael Steele would tie himself so closely to President Bush and Dick Cheney and their priorities," said Terry Lierman, chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party. "Clearly, everyone is known by the company they keep." |
You’re only young once прислів’я Укр. Молодість буває лише раз (в житті). Ком. Вживано, аби виправдати захоплення молодої людини розвагами, її несерйозність, помилки або інші риси й вчинки, властиві молодим людям ‣ You’re only young once. Still, the joys of youth do tend to linger. ‣ "Right now, I’m not really ready to jump into the real world," he said. "You’re only young once. I think playing lacrosse year round, and playing lacrosse at the professional level, that is the dream." ‣ You’re only young once. After that, you must blame your mistakes on something else. |
You win some and you lose some прислів’я You win, you lose a few Тлум. Щастить не завжди. Укр. Щось виграєш, щось програєш. Тут виграєш, там програєш. Щось здобудеш, щось втратиш. Син. You can’t win them all. Ком. Це прислів’я американського походження вживають як вираження відради чи примирення зі станом речей. ‣ Anyone who fools with the stock market, or economics in general, knows that "you win some and you lose some." … The goal, of course, is to win more than you lose. ‣ Two new skin care products from St. Ives prove the old adage that you win some and you lose some. The 200-mL Foaming Facial Apricot Cleanser is a winner, living up to its billing as a gentle, soap- and alcohol-free product … . The 150-mL tube of Ultra Gentle Apricot Scrub, on the other hand, is a definite loser, as St. Ives’s attempt to cater to those with sensitive skin has produced the exfoliating equivalent of trying to file your nails with a Q-tip. ‣ You win some, you lose some. Many investors have been expressing anxiety about their current investment return when compared with the interest rates of 18 percent and more available today. Those sitting on 11.25 percent Aussie Bonds or similar low interest debenture or bond investments have every reason to be anxious. |
Англо-український військовий словник 2022 (Волонтери Ukrop Austria) 
did you copy? * ‘як зрозумів?’ (термін радіообміну) |
do you copy? * ‘зрозуміло? встигаєте записати?’ (термін радіообміну) |
how do you read me? * ‘як чуєте мене?’ (термін радіообміну) |
I read you loud and clear * ‘чую вас дуже добре’ (термін радіообміну) |
out to you * `з вами кінець зв’язку` (термін радіообміну) |
you are / I read you… * ‘я чую / приймаю / розумію ваше повідомлення’ (термін радіообміну) |
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