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- Новий українсько-англійський словник 2016 (Є.І. Гороть, С.В. Гончарук, Л.К. Малімон, О.О. Рогач.) Вгору

вискочка розм. upstart, pushing person, parvenu; to be a Johnny-come-lately.

- Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко) Вгору

Better safe than sorry  прислів’я
Better be safe than sorry
It is better to be safe than sorry
Тлум. Ліпше вжити додаткових і не надто приємних заходів, що убезпечитися від чогось, ніж злегковажити небезпекою й потім пожалкувати.
Укр. Береженого і Бог береже.
    ‣ While I’m unlocking my bike, adults look at me as if I am trying to steal it. But it is better to be safe than sorry.
Boys will be boys прислів’я
Тлум. Те, що властиво робити хлопцям, вони неодмінно чинимуть, тому цьому не варто дивуватись.
Укр. Хлопці хлопцями. Що з хлопців спитати <взяти>?
Ком. Прислів’я вживають на пояснення поблажливого ставлення. За аналогією вживають також: girls will be girls.
    ‣ While we are programmed to act instinctively, we also have (or should have) brakes on our behaviour. Boys will be boys and it’s amazing I survived my son’s death-defying early years without my hair turning white.
    ‣ Boys will be boys: Skateboarders are renowned for their rebellious attitude, and they lived up to it at the street competition. After several skaters flew up a ramp and over a wall onto The Home Depot Center’s velodrome floor, the skaters were repeatedly told to nix the stunt. Instead, they kept it up.
    ‣ But boys will be boys. Even when they are supposed to be grown men. Which explains -- but does not excuse -- Toronto Argonauts coach Mike Clemons defending an incident last week that left a public-relations intern taped to a goalpost after practice. The intern also had water and food poured over him.
It is easy to be wise after the event прислів’я
Легко бути мудрим заднім числом.
Укр. Заднім числом кожний може бути розумним. Якби той розум спереду, що тепер іззаду.
    ‣ "It is easy to be wise after the event," he muses, "but it’s just history now."
    ‣ Of course, it is easy to be wise after the event. With hindsight, the end of Soviet-orchestrated communism in Europe was signalled in 1956, a whole generation or more before Mikhail Gorbachev started doing "business" with glasnost.
    ‣ Greengrass’s movie shows us that it is easy to be wise after the event; it is a reminder of how unthinkable 9/11 was, of how all too likely it was that the civil and military authorities would not have mobilised in time.
Youth must be served прислів’я
Youth will be served
Укр. Молодим – дорогу. (в окремих контекстах, приблизно) Молодим скрізь <завжди> у нас дорога.
    ‣ His story was not supposed to be about finishing second. And certainly not third. But youth must be served, and so it was at the 27th Annapolis 10-Mile Run on Sunday when 19-year-old Dusty Lieb dropped Mark Gilmore and me like a couple of bad habits with less than two miles remaining.
    ‣ "Youth must be served. If you look at a lot of media, older Americans aren’t important unless you’re selling Craftmatic beds."
    ‣ Like a savvy evangelist, Santana, 57, a star since Woodstock in 1969, knows that the youth must be served. That’s why he had Los Lonely Boys, a trio of twenty-something brothers from Texas, as his opening act and mid-set guests.

- Англо-український військовий словник 2022 (Волонтери Ukrop Austria) Вгору

refusal to be boarded * відмова прийняття на борт (оглядової групи)