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Великий англо-український словник 2011 (Є.І. Гороть, Л.М. Коцюк, Л.К. Малімон, А.Б. Павлюк.) 
we [wi:; wɪ] pron ми (об’єктний відмінок us). USAGE: See both, he. |
we’d [wi(:)d] скор. від we had, we should, we would. |
we’ll [wi(:)l] скор. розм. = we shall; we will. |
we’re [ˈwi(:)ɘ] скор. розм. = we are. |
we’ve [wi(:)v] скор. розм. = we have. |
Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко) 
Eat, drink, and be merry прислів’я Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die Пер. Їж, пий, веселися <бо завтра помирати> Ком. Прислів’я, очевидно, постало шляхом поєднання уривків двох біблійних віршів (Еклезіаста 8:15) та (Ісаї 22:13) ‣ Parties are also a way of putting the future out of mind. "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die." ‣ After the tragic terrorist events of recent years, plus the devastation of war, surely this is a good time to slow down and look beyond the hype of ’’eat, drink and be merry’’. |
Live and learn прислів’я You <we> live and learn Укр. Вік живи – вік учись. ‣ "I don’t see myself writing any other movies that aren’t in this kind of tone, this real tone," he says. "You live and you learn. You grow." ‣ "You live and you learn," Scott said of his decision to coach Princeton, his alma mater, after leading Air Force to the 2004 NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association] Tournament in just his fourth season at the academy. ‣ I … felt like a big generous idiot. Without a receipt, my generosity instantly tripled in value because not only had I given the girl two free days on the subway, but a $15 tax credit, too. Live and learn, right? |
Tomorrow is another day прислів’я Укр. Завтра буде новий день. ‣ Tomorrow is another day, and we must believe them and ourselves capable of improving that day if we expect to carry on. Tomorrow is another day, and we must all shoulder the burden of living in the real world without illusions. ‣ "I was very sensitive," says Norm Krupnick, who turns 82 Monday, reflecting on his early days as a referee. "(The verbal abuse) bothered me, and at night sometimes I couldn’t sleep. But as the years go on, you temper yourself and you say, ’Well, tomorrow’s another day.’ " |
United we stand, divided we fall прислів’я Укр. У єднанні сила. ‣ Why are the Scottish and English "patriots" not intelligent enough to realise that united we stand, divided we fall. I believe there are many more issues in Great Britain that ought to have priority over petty backbiting. ‣ There can be "many different movements," John Deberry said, "but we got to have one major movement to keep us all committed to the same goals.« »United we stand, divided we fall," he said. |
You only live once прислів’я We only live once Укр. Життя одне. Ми живемо лише один раз. ‣ You only live once and you can’t take the money with you. Some people put all their money in a bank and leave it there till they die. But I’m not that type of person. ‣ "You only live once," he told a reporter, after announcing that he had crossed Australia’s perilous Nullabor Plain. "Death is when you don’t move. Life is when you move. I’m moving a lot." ‣ It was another act of shameless showboating, but we only live once, so why not savor these crazy, fun moments? |
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