Додано: Сер березня 10, 2021 9:56 am
cut sb down to size - присадити кого; показати кому його місце; спустити кого з неба на землю; збити пиху кому; укрутити хвоста кому
+Ще є cut something down to size
Тобто можна ще щось на кшталт придушити чиєсь еґоCambridge: show someone that they are not as clever or important as they think
Oxford: deflate someone's exaggerated sense of self-worth
American Heritage: To deflate the self-importance of (someone).
+Ще є cut something down to size
але тут не знаю, як краще сказати - уневажливити, загнати в рамки, приструнчити щось?Oxford: reduce the size or power of something, for example an organization, which is regarded as having become too large or powerful
Farlex: To minimize the importance of something. We need to cut the board down to size before they continue their pattern of overreach.