Додано: Чет лютого 09, 2017 8:29 pm
wintry mix - сніжно-крижана мряка? – снігова мряка, мрячка, мжичка, мжа, мжиця, мгичка, мигичка (зі снігом) сніжно-льодова мряка
Wintry showers - сніжно-крижана мряка? – снігова мряка, мрячка, мжичка, мжа, мжиця, мгичка, мигичка (зі снігом) сніжно-льодова мряка
in the United Kingdom: Wintry showers is a somewhat informal meteorological term, used primarily in the United Kingdom, to refer to various mixtures of rain, graupel and snow.
In the United States, wintry mix generally refers to a mixture of freezing rain, ice pellets, and snow.
Wintry showers - сніжно-крижана мряка? – снігова мряка, мрячка, мжичка, мжа, мжиця, мгичка, мигичка (зі снігом) сніжно-льодова мряка
in the United Kingdom: Wintry showers is a somewhat informal meteorological term, used primarily in the United Kingdom, to refer to various mixtures of rain, graupel and snow.
In the United States, wintry mix generally refers to a mixture of freezing rain, ice pellets, and snow.