
Тут обговорюються наявні або нові статті словників
Купрієнко Олена
Повідомлень: 3
З нами з: Сер вересня 19, 2012 11:01 am


Повідомлення Купрієнко Олена »

Spot (ім.)
1) Особливе місце, де хтось або щось знаходиться.
2) Маленька кругла площа кольору, що відрізняється від кольору поверхні навколо неї, і часто є частиною малюнку (цятка).
3) (розм.) Порядкове місце, наприклад, на змаганнях.
4) (брит. розм.) Випадок, коли ви робите або випробовуєте що-небудь.
5) (розм.) Складна ситуація.
6) (розм.) Центр уваги.
7) Невелика кількість чого-небудь, зазвичай рідини.

1) the particular place where someone or something is: We found him sitting in a sunny spot in the garden.
mark the spot: Flowers mark the spot where the accident happened.
the very/exact spot: The king himself had stood on this very spot.
a) a particular place on your body
a sore/tender spot: There is a sore spot on my head where I bumped it.
b) a particular town, city, or area: One of the region's best-known tourist spots.
c) ( informal) a particular place where people go for entertainment: A spot that is popular with clubbers
2) a small round area of colour that is different from the colour of the surface around it and that often forms part of a pattern: A pattern of spots and stripes.
spot of: spots of yellow
with spots: The flower is yellow with red spots.
a) (British) a very small red lump on someone's face
b) a small red mark that you get on your skin if you have a disease such as measles or chickenpox
c) a small dirty mark that should not be there: A spot of paint on the step.
3) (informal) a position in an order, for example in a competition: The team has no chance of a spot in the top five.
The book occupied the number-one bestseller spot for four months.
a) a position within a series of events, for example in a television or radio programme: She was given a five-minute spot on a local radio show.
4) (British informal) an occasion when you do something or experience something
spot of: There was still time for a spot of shopping and sightseeing.
I'd invited her round for a spot of lunch.
a spot of bother/trouble: We'd had a spot of trouble with the police.
5) (informal) a difficult situation
put someone in a spot: The bad weather had put us in a bit of a spot.
6) (informal) a spotlight
7) a small amount of something, usually a liquid
spot of: I felt a few spots of rain on my face.
hit the spot (informal) - to be exactly what you want or need: A cool glass of beer would really hit the spot.
not change your spots (informal) - to have the same qualities, opinions, or intentions that you have always had, even when you claim that you have changed
on the spot
1) in the exact place where something is happening: We'll have a police officer on the spot immediately.
2) (British ) without leaving the position you are in. The American expression is in place: She does five minutes of running on the spot.
3) Immediately: Any workers found breaking these rules will be sacked on the spot.
put someone on the spot - to ask someone a question that is difficult or embarrassing to answer: I'm going to put you on the spot and ask what you would have done in his position.
rooted/glued/frozen to the spot - unable to move, usually because you are afraid: Martin wanted to run, but he was rooted to the spot.
Словники: ... itish/spot ... on-of/spot
Повідомлень: 75
З нами з: П'ят серпня 29, 2014 11:24 am

Re: spot

Повідомлення vovchyck »

(сленг.) позичити (urban dictionary)
Повідомлень: 3128
З нами з: Пон травня 13, 2013 7:58 pm

Re: spot

Повідомлення sikemo »

1 точка. Стрінемся на точці, в усталеній точці
2 ще: артефакакт [зосібно, у стосунку до е-буків]

5 передряга, бувальці
6 концентр
7 пляма

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