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Великий англо-український словник 2011 (Є.І. Гороть, Л.М. Коцюк, Л.К. Малімон, А.Б. Павлюк.)
father [ˈfɑ:ʧɘ] v 1. породжувати, бути батьком; 2. перен. бути автором, творцем; 3. усиновлювати, по-батьківськи піклуватися. |
father [ˈfɑ:ʧɘ] n 1. батько; an expectant ~ майбутній тато; a foster ~ названий батько; F. Christmas Дід Мороз; smb’s ~ чийсь батько; one’s own ~ рідний батько; the ~ of a family батько родини; at smb’s ~’s у чийогось батька (в домі); 2. родоначальник, прародич, предок; 3. перен. творець; the ~ of English poetry засновник поезії (Дж. Чосер); 4. найстарший член; pl старійшини; the F. of the House найстаріший член палати громад (за кількістю років безперервного перебування в палаті); the F. of the Senate найстаріший сенатор (за кількістю років безперервного перебування в Сенаті); ◊ a ~ is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both присл. батько це – скарб, брат – утіха, а друг – і те, і друге; like a ~ по-батьківськи; like ~ like son яке коріння, таке й насіння; яблуко від яблуні недалеко падає; the ~ of all evil біс, сатана; to be gathered to one’s ~s померти, відправитися на той світ. USAGE: See aunt. |
father-in-law [ˈfɑ:ʧ(ɘ)rɪnˌlɔ:] n (pl fathers-in-law) 1. свекор; 2. тесть. |
foster-father [ˈfɒstɘˌfɑ:ʧɘ] n названий батько. |
good-father [ˈgʋdˌfɑ:ʧɘ] n 1. свекор; 2. тесть; 3. вітчим. |
nurse-father [ˈnɜ:sˈfɑ:ʧɘ] n 1. названий батько; 2. вихователь; духовний отець, духівник. |
shrift-father [ʃrɪftˈfɑ:ʧɘ] n церк. сповідник. |
Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко)
Father <daddy> knows best прислів’я Укр. Татові краще знати. Батько знає, як найкраще. (в деяких контекстах) Батька треба слухатися. Пор. Mother knows best. ‣ Brandy Croy of Parrott is convinced that father knows best, too. The best thing her father, Kenny Montgomery, ever did for her was play matchmaker. He introduced her to her husband. ‣ All along Richard Williams, the often-controversial father of the tennis sister duo of Venus and Serena, claimed his baby was the best of the bunch. It was Serena, not Venus, who possessed the superior tennisability. … But this time it seems father knows best. Serena, now ranked fourth in the world, beat Venus 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 Sunday in the finals of the Grand Slam Cup. ‣ The new Conservative party, he argued, should steer a course between amoral indifference and coercive social engineering - one that operates, he claimed, "by persuasion, not by power". Daddy knows best, in other words, even though he refuses to tell you how to run your life. |
Like father, like son прислів’я Like father, like daughter Укр. Який батько, такий син <така дочка>. Пор. Like mother, like daughter. Like mother, like son. ‣ Like father, like son: Joe Sherriff, 55, left, finishes the two-day race with his son, James, 19. ‣ Like father, like son. "I don’t have it yet," Joe said of his third title. "I got four matches left to wrestle …. It’s definitely going to be a peak in my wrestling career to achieve what my dad did." ‣ Like father, like daughter – Moynes followed her dad, Al, into barefoot waterskiing. "When I was five, I saw my dad doing it and really wanted to try," she said. ‣ Despite their warnings, … Danny [Lena’s father] said he never lost faith she’d recover. … Like father, like daughter. Lena … said she never once feared for her own life, even as doctors explained her grave condition. |
The child is the father of the man прислів’я Пер. Хлопчик – батько мужчини. Укр. Кожен батько був дитиною. ‣ Much in the way the child is father to the man, we glimpse how what these children may become is hinted at by who they are today and is influenced by the adults around them. ‣ That the "child is father of the man" (or woman) is a perennial Isla Dewar thesis, too. In Getting Out of the House, nine-year-old Nora’s relationship with her mother, Maisie, is impaired for life when Maisie callously tells her that she prefers her other daughter. "Don’t dare say move on or get over it, "Nora warns a friend years later, jokingly, but with an undertone of real hurt. |
Англійсько-український словник з математики та інформатики 2010 (Є. Мейнарович, М. Кратко)
father = ['fɑ:ðə] 1. ба́тько 2. пре́док |
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