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- Великий англо-український словник 2011 (Є.І. Гороть, Л.М. Коцюк, Л.К. Малімон, А.Б. Павлюк.) Вгору

better [ˈbetɘ] a кращий, кращі;
  to change for the ~ змінитися на краще;
  to get the ~ of smb дістати перевагу над кимсь.
better [ˈbetɘ] a (comp від good)
1. кращий; вищий;
  ~ sort видатні люди;
  the ~ half дружина, жінка;
  the ~ hand перевага;
  to be ~ of бути в кращому становищі; видужувати;
  to get ~ видужувати;
2. більш підхожий, більш вигідний;
3. більший;
  the ~ part of smth більша частина чогось.
better [ˈbetɘ] adv (comp від well)
1. краще;
  so much the ~ тим краще;
2. більше, більшою мірою;
3. повніше, ґрунтовніше; сильніше;
◊ a ~ world загробний, потойбічний світ;
  ~ a glorious death than a shameful life присл. краще славна смерть, ніж безславне життя;
  ~ an open enemy than a false friend присл. краще відвертий ворог, ніж зрадливий друг;
  ~ a witty fool than a foolish wit краще розумний дурень, ніж дурний мудрець;
  ~ cut the shoe than pinch the foot присл. з двох лих вибирай менше;
  ~ deny at once than promise long присл. краще зразу відмовити, ніж довго обіцяти;
  ~ fed than taught виріс, а розуму не придбав;
  ~ half an egg than an empty shell присл. краще щось, ніж нічого;
  ~ late than never краще пізно, ніж ніколи;
  ~ never begin than never make an end присл. узявся за гуж, не кажи, що не дуж;
  ~ one small fish than an empty dish краще щось, ніж нічого;
  ~ the feet slip, trip than the tongue присл. слово не горобець, вилетить – не спіймаєш;
  the sooner the ~ чим швидше, тим краще;
  to think ~ of smth передумати, змінити думку.
better [ˈbetɘ] v
1. поліпшувати; виправляти; удосконалювати;
  the situation has ~ed ситуація покращилася; справи пішли вгору;
2. перевершувати, перевищувати;
  to ~ oneself одержувати підвищення, просуватися (по службі).

- Фразлекс (англо-український фразеологічний словник) 2014- (Василь Старко) Вгору

Anything is better than nothing прислів’я
Тлум. Краще мати хай невелику кількість чогось, ніж нічого взагалі.
Укр. Краще щось, ніж нічого.
    ‣ Ninety minutes of activity most days will help with weight loss. However, anything is better than nothing. Try starting with a pedometer, a device to count your daily steps.
Better late than never прислів’я
Укр. Краще пізно, ніж ніколи.
    ‣ It has taken four years to get a US release of Mew’s 2003 European smash CD. … Better late than never.
    ‣ At least Fletcher has finally woken up to what is going on. Better late than never.
    ‣ Now, with public anger still percolating, every stripe of official, elected or not, has been looking at how this debacle occurred.  Well, better late than never.
Better safe than sorry  прислів’я
Better be safe than sorry
It is better to be safe than sorry
Тлум. Ліпше вжити додаткових і не надто приємних заходів, що убезпечитися від чогось, ніж злегковажити небезпекою й потім пожалкувати.
Укр. Береженого і Бог береже.
    ‣ While I’m unlocking my bike, adults look at me as if I am trying to steal it. But it is better to be safe than sorry.
Discretion is the better part of valour прислів’я
Обережність – краща частина відваги.
Укр. Береженого й Бог береже.
    ‣ Sometimes, even in football, discretion is the better part of valor. There’s no need to endanger the health of kids who are clearly outmanned.
    ‣ Would I ever have the energy to pull off an ambitious gathering like that? Would I ever have the courage? Part of me says I owe it to all those folks who’ve entertained me over the years … to give it a try. Another part whispers that discretion is the better part of valor.
    ‣ He quickly stood up, jumped into my path and said: ’’You’ve got $5 I could have, haven’t you?’’ He was menacing, intimidating and aggressive. … The look in this man’s eyes was scary and I was alone, so I decided that discretion was the better part of valour. I had three dollars in coins and gave them to him, kept walking and didn’t look back.
Half a loaf is better than none прислів’я
Half a loaf is better than no bread 
Укр. Хоч поганий ківш, та без нього гірш.
    ‣ In the opening game of 1971, the Broncos tied the Miami Dolphins 10-10, and Denver coach Lou Saban … said: "At least half a loaf is better than none."
    ‣ Opposing the White House is never comfortable for Republicans of any stripe  … and, of course, the legislative system is all about compromise. But is half a loaf really better than none this time?
    ‣ Angela Merkel, chancellor, seems to think the answer [to the problems with the EU constitutional treaty] could be a new, short version, containing certain important reforms, and may seek to persuade the majority that half a loaf is better than no bread.
It is better to give than to receive прислів’я
It is more blessed to give than to receive
Укр. Блаженніше давати, ніж брати (переклад І. Огієнка).
Ком. Біблеїзм: «I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive» (Дії 20:35).
    ‣ For those who resolved to help others this year or who believe it’s better to give than to receive, the expo will provide areas for blood donation.
    ‣ It’s better to give than to receive: Clara Hughes brought her Olympic medal total in the summer and winter Games to five with her victory in the long-track speed-skating 5,000-metre race and donated $10,000 to Right to Play, a charity that provides sports opportunities to children in war-torn areas.
    ‣ I have 30 years in the business, have been an editor for 27 of those and have now decided that it is better to give than to receive, which means I prefer to write than to edit.
It is better to light a candle <one candle> than to curse the darkness прислів’я
Пер. Ліпше запалити одну свічку, ніж проклинати темряву.
    ‣ Things never happen as quickly as we would like, but if we focus on the positive, and work in true partnership, we can continue to build on the progress. It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    ‣ This group’s efforts brings refreshing energy to solving some longtime problems, and it deserves to be saluted. And aided. As the old saying goes, it’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    ‣ He would like all uranium mining stopped and hopes to spark wide debate. "Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness," Bradbury relays his motto.
It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive прислів’я
Укр. Краще подорожувати сповненим надій, ніж приїхати.
    ‣ The only risk is that Dublin’s followers might tire of success, become satisfied when their side secures the top silverware [a championship]. There’s often more enjoyment in the pursuit than the capture, better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
    ‣ The more you read about Campbell, who’ll turn 84 next month, the more you feel he would have enjoyed his life in golf without all those victories and awards. "It’s not the winning that is so much fun, … but it’s the trying," says a passage from his oral history. "… It’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive. And I believe that."
    ‣ I did feel sorry for the families who were going to meet Santa and make the return journey to the UK in one day, though. These Christmas trips are not cheap, and if you intend to spend money on what is an unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience, it is so much better to stay a couple of nights and build up the anticipation.
It’s the whole idea of Christmas Eve being more exciting than Christmas morning, the whole idea that it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
Prevention is better than cure прислів’я
Укр. Запобігання краще за лікування.
    ‣ You had an article about drugs to heal cold sores faster. Why not prevent them? I take L-lysine before meals every day, and it prevents cold sores from developing into full-blown blisters. I think prevention is better than cure.
    ‣ ’’The penalty awarded in this case serves as a timely reminder of the importance of implementing proper procedures to protect our environment. When it comes to the environment, prevention is better than cure,’’ Ms Corbyn said.
    ‣ When there is heavy rain - heavy water logging on the roads prevents smooth traffic, therefore when there are heavy rains forecast, a ban order should be in place stopping all vehicles in those areas- Prevention is better than cure isn’ it?
Two heads are better than one прислів’я
Одна голова <один розум> добре, а дві <два> краще.
    ‣ Having a closed mind may shut out great ideas from other people. Stay flexible to allow others input. Remember the saying, "Two heads are better than one."
    ‣ Two heads better than one: Alfonso Cuaryn directed Children of Men in a collaboration with various people.
    ‣ Two heads are better than one for an interesting work project.

- Англійсько-український словник з математики та інформатики 2010 (Є. Мейнарович, М. Кратко) Вгору

better = ['bɛtə] (вищий ступінь порівняння від good) кра́щий, лі́пший (за, ніж) || (вищий ступінь порівняння від well) кра́ще, лі́пше || полі́пшувати/полі́пшити, покра́щувати/покра́щити

- Англійсько-українсько-англійський словник наукової мови (фізика та споріднені науки). Частина І англійсько-українська 2010 (О. Кочерга, Є. Мейнарович) Вгору

better кра́щий, лі́пший (than – за, ніж) || кра́ще, лі́пше || полі́пшувати//полі́пшити, покра́щувати//покра́щити ■ ~ and ~ деда́лі кра́щий/кра́ще; all the ~ тим кра́ще; far ~, much ~ зна́чно кра́щий/кра́ще, зна́чно лі́пший/лі́пше; ~ still ще кра́щий/кра́ще, ще лі́пший/лі́пше; so much the ~ тим кра́ще/лі́пше; the more the ~ що бі́льше, то кра́ще/лі́пше; the sooner the ~ що скорі́ше, то кра́ще/лі́пше
['bεtə, 'bεt̬ər]